Flammable electrolyte definition

Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3" "
Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3"2
Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3"22 www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/unrec/rev17/17files_e.html

More Definitions of Flammable electrolyte

Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3"22 www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/unrec/rev17/17files_e.htmlハーネス及びコネクタ、並びに REESS 充電用連結システムを含む場合がある。2.12. 「電子式コンバーター」とは、電気的駆動力のために電力を制御又は変換できる装置をいう。2.13. 「エンクロージャ」とは、あらゆる接近方向からの直接接触に対して、内部の機器を包み込み保護するために設けられた部分をいう。2.14. 「露出導電部」とは、保護 IPXXB の措置を施した状態で触れることができ、絶縁故障状態で通電される導電部をいう。これは、工具を使用せずに除去できるカバーで覆われている部品も含む。 2.15. 「爆発」とは、試験対象装置の周辺に構造的又は物理的損傷を生じさせる可能性のある圧力波又は投射物を発生させるのに十分なエネルギーの突然の放出をいう。2.16. 「外部電源」とは、車両外部の交流(AC)又は直流(DC)電源をいう。2.17. 「高電圧」とは、作動電圧が>60 V かつ≦1,500 V DC 又は>30 V かつ≦1,000 V AC(実効値(rms))である場合の電気部品又は回路の分類をいう。2.18. 「火炎」とは、試験対象装置からの炎の放出をいう。スパーク及びアーク放電は炎とはみなさないものとする。2.19.「可燃性電解液」とは、「危険物輸送に関する UN 勧告−モデル規則(2011年 6 月から改訂 17)、I 巻、2.3 章」のクラス 3「可燃性液体」に分類される物質を含む電解液をいう。22 www.unece.org/trans/danger/publi/unrec/rev17/17files_e.html
Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3" (2) (2) https://unece.org/rev-17-2011
Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3" 2"Paragraph 2.15., renumber as paragraph 2.20. and amend to read:
Flammable electrolyte means an electrolyte that contains substances classified as Class 3 "flammable liquid" under "UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations (Revision 17 from June 2011), Volume I, Chapter 2.3". 2.23. "High voltage bus" means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS that operates on high voltage.

Related to Flammable electrolyte

  • Flammable means a chemical that falls into one of the following categories:

  • Carcinogen means a chemical that causes an increased incidence of benign or malignant neoplasms, or a substantial decrease in the latency period between exposure and onset of neoplasms through oral or dermal exposure, or through inhalation exposure when the cancer occurs at nonrespiratory sites in at least one (1) mammalian species or man through epidemiological studies or clinical studies, or both.

  • Pollutant means any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, refuse, oil, grease, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, medical wastes, radioactive substance (except those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 2011 et seq.)), thermal waste, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, industrial, municipal, agricultural, and construction waste or runoff, or other residue discharged directly or indirectly to the land, ground waters or surface waters of the State, or to a domestic treatment works. “Pollutant” includes both hazardous and nonhazardous pollutants.

  • Asbestos means the asbestiform varieties of serpentinite (chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite, anthophyllite, and actinolite-tremolite.

  • Airborne radioactive material means any radioactive material dispersed in the air in the form of dusts, fumes, particulates, mists, vapors, or gases.

  • Natural radioactivity means radioactivity of naturally occurring nuclides.