Flare Gas definition
Examples of Flare Gas in a sentence
The Flare Gas Recovery Compressor (G-503) was installed in the early 70’s.
Flare System Monitoring Flare Gas Recovery Compressor load is monitored to identify & mitigate higher than normal baseline load.
Delayed Coker (U200) The delayed coker drum cooling cycle time is coordinated with other activities to prevent exceeding the Flare Gas Recovery Compressor capacity.
In the future, when the redundant new Liquid Ring Flare Gas Recovery Compressors are operational planned maintenance scheduling will be optimized and staggered to minimize and/or prevent flare gas recovery outages for compressor maintenance.
The development of flare minimization practices, including practices for Equipment Clearing Scheduling and reducing flare gas generation and/or Flare Gas Recovery System Cushion Management, are intended to reduce loads on the flare system.
Onshore Flare Gas Recovery (FGR) will be used on both the high pressure and low-pressure flare systems to minimise hydrocarbon flows to flare stacks under normal operations.
Failure to timely install, in accordance with Paragraph 38B, Flare Gas Recovery Systems that conform to the requirements of Paragraph 38BPeriod of delay or Penalty per day per noncompliance, per FGRS FGRS Days 1–30 $ 1,250Days 31–60 $ 3,000Days 61 and later $ 5,000 or an amount equal to 1.2 times the economic benefit ofof delayed compliance, whichever is greater77.w. Violation of Paragraph 38C.
If this hydrogen was routed to the refinery blowdown system associated with the G-503 Flare Gas Recovery Compressor the compressor would need to be shutdown.
Based on a review of small flaring events, the addition of the new Flare Gas Recovery Compressors has reduced the number and volume of brief peak exceedances that previously occurred.
In August 2009 three new, redundant liquid ring Flare Gas Recovery Compressors were installed and put in service.