Florida College definition

Florida College means any public postsecondary educational institution in the Florida College System as defined in Section 1000.21(3), Florida Statutes.

Examples of Florida College in a sentence

  • To be eligible to receive credit under this agreement, a student must enroll at a Florida College System institution in the associate degree program identified within the agreement and present evidence of the award of the specified industry certification or an official transcript that verifies award of the industry certification.

  • Students must enroll at a Florida College System institution in the AS/AAS program specified herein within three years of completion of the Career Certificate program in order to redeem the college credit.

  • See AGOs 92-53 (John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Foundation, Inc., established pursuant to statute as a not-for-profit corporation to assist the museum in carrying out its functions must comply with open government laws), 11-01 (nonprofit corporation created by municipality and described as its “fundraising arm” subject to open government laws); and 05-27 (Sunshine Law applies to Florida College System institution [formerly community college] direct-support organization as defined in s.

  • Section 1012.86, F.S., Florida College System institution employment equity accountability program, requires that each college include in its annual equity update a plan for increasing the representation of women and minorities in senior-level positions, full-time faculty positions and full-time faculty positions who have attained continuing contract status.

  • The College provided coverage for these risks primarily through the Florida College System Risk Management Consortium (Consortium), which was created under authority of Section 1001.64(27), Florida Statutes, by the boards of trustees of the Florida public colleges for the purpose of joining a cooperative effort to develop, implement, and participate in a coordinated Statewide college risk management program.

  • Every associate in science degree graduate of a Florida College System institution program that articulates with a capstone degree program in a specific Florida public or private postsecondary institution shall be guaranteed admission to that program except for limited access programs and those requiring specific grades on particular courses for admission.

  • Poster presentation at: University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville Research Day; Jacksonville, FL.

  • Graduates of a Florida College System institution associate in science degree program with an agreement that is documented and maintained by the Articulation Coordinating Committee shall be granted admission to a public postsecondary institution in the program designated to articulate with their degree, except for limited access programs and those requiring specific grades on particular courses for admission.

  • All associate in science degree graduates who articulate under the capstone agreement shall be treated equally, regardless of the Florida College System institution from which they receive their degrees.

  • Florida College System institutions that offer athletic programs shall develop a gender equity plan pursuant to section 1000.05, F.S. The plan is to include consideration of equity in sports offerings, participation, availability of facilities, scholarship offerings and funds allocated for administration, recruitment, comparable coaching, publicity and promotion and other support costs.

Related to Florida College

  • State college means a State college or university established

  • Community college means a community college established under Iowa Code chapter 260C.

  • College means, as the case may be, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, the College of Midwives of Ontario and/or the College of Nurses of Ontario;

  • University College means the Karatina University College established under paragraph 1;

  • Private college means an institution for higher education other

  • Technical college means the same as that term is defined in Section 53B-1-101.5.

  • The College means Plenty Valley Christian College [ABN 87 670 414 115].

  • Historically black college or university means an institution determined by the Secretary of Education to meet the requirements of 34 CFR 608.2.

  • Historically Black Colleges or University , as used in this clause means an institution determined by the Secretary of Education to meet the requirements of 34 CFR Section 608.2. The term also includes any nonprofit research institution that was an integral part of such a college or university before November 14, 1986.

  • funeral home means a building or structure with facilities for the preparation of dead persons for burial or cremation, for the viewing of the body and for funeral services;

  • Pet Ambulance means a Pet medical transportation service vehicle equipped with stretchers, hydraulic tables, oxygen and a driver and/or veterinary technician.

  • Accredited college or university means a college or university accredited by a national or regional association recognized by the secretary of the United States department of education or a foreign college or university of comparable standing.

  • College community means trustees, students, staff, faculty, and visitors on college-owned or controlled facilities.

  • Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.

  • Congregation means the Congregation of the University referred to in Statute IV;

  • public hospital means a governmental entity of a political subdivision of the state of Iowa that is authorized by legislative authority. For purposes of this subrule, a “public hospital” must also meet the requirements of Iowa Code section 249J.3. Under Iowa Code section 249J.3, a “public hospital” must be licensed pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 135B and governed pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 145A (merged hospitals), Iowa Code chapter 347 (county hospitals), Iowa Code chapter 347A (county hospitals payable from revenue), or Iowa Code chapter 392 (creation by city of a hospital or health care facility). For the purposes of this definition, “public hospital” does not include a hospital or medical care facility that is funded, operated, or administered by the Iowa department of human services, Iowa department of corrections, or board of regents, or the Iowa Veterans Home.

  • Ambulatory surgical center means any public or private State licensed and approved (whenever required by law) establishment with an organized medical staff of Physicians, with permanent facilities that are equipped and operated primarily for the purpose of performing Surgical Procedures, with continuous Physician services and registered professional nursing service whenever a patient is in the facility, and which does not provide service or other accommodations for patients to stay overnight.

  • SPECIALTY HOSPITAL means a hospital or the specialty unit of a general hospital that is licensed by the state. It must be designed to care for patients with injuries or special illnesses. This includes, but is not limited to, a long-term acute care unit, an acute mental health or acute short-term rehabilitation unit or hospital. • convalescent home; • rest home; • nursing home; • home for the aged; • school and college infirmary; • residential treatment facility; • long-term care facility; • urgent care center or freestanding ambulatory surgical center; • facility providing mainly custodial, educational or rehabilitative care; or • a section of a hospital used for custodial, educational or rehabilitative care, even if accredited by the JCAHO or listed in the AHA directory.

  • Medical home means a team approach to providing health care that originates in a primary care setting; fosters a partnership among the patient, the personal provider, other health care professionals, and where appropriate, the patient’s family; utilizes the partnership to access all medical and nonmedical health-related services needed by the patient and the patient’s family to achieve maximum health potential; maintains a centralized, comprehensive record of all health-related services to promote continuity of care; and has all of the characteristics specified in Iowa Code section 135.158.

  • School nurse means a registered professional nurse with Maine Department of Education certification for school nursing.

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Cropland means land used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and includes row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops, and other similar specialty crops.

  • State purchased health care or "health care" means medical

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Health professional shortage area (HPSA) means an urban or

  • State hospital means the Montana state hospital."