Florida College definition
Examples of Florida College in a sentence
To be eligible to receive credit under this agreement, a student must enroll at a Florida College System institution in the associate degree program identified within the agreement and present evidence of the award of the specified industry certification or an official transcript that verifies award of the industry certification.
Students must enroll at a Florida College System institution in the AS/AAS program specified herein within three years of completion of the Career Certificate program in order to redeem the college credit.
See AGOs 92-53 (John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Foundation, Inc., established pursuant to statute as a not-for-profit corporation to assist the museum in carrying out its functions must comply with open government laws), 11-01 (nonprofit corporation created by municipality and described as its “fundraising arm” subject to open government laws); and 05-27 (Sunshine Law applies to Florida College System institution [formerly community college] direct-support organization as defined in s.
Section 1012.86, F.S., Florida College System institution employment equity accountability program, requires that each college include in its annual equity update a plan for increasing the representation of women and minorities in senior-level positions, full-time faculty positions and full-time faculty positions who have attained continuing contract status.
The College provided coverage for these risks primarily through the Florida College System Risk Management Consortium (Consortium), which was created under authority of Section 1001.64(27), Florida Statutes, by the boards of trustees of the Florida public colleges for the purpose of joining a cooperative effort to develop, implement, and participate in a coordinated Statewide college risk management program.
Every associate in science degree graduate of a Florida College System institution program that articulates with a capstone degree program in a specific Florida public or private postsecondary institution shall be guaranteed admission to that program except for limited access programs and those requiring specific grades on particular courses for admission.
Poster presentation at: University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville Research Day; Jacksonville, FL.
Graduates of a Florida College System institution associate in science degree program with an agreement that is documented and maintained by the Articulation Coordinating Committee shall be granted admission to a public postsecondary institution in the program designated to articulate with their degree, except for limited access programs and those requiring specific grades on particular courses for admission.
All associate in science degree graduates who articulate under the capstone agreement shall be treated equally, regardless of the Florida College System institution from which they receive their degrees.
Florida College System institutions that offer athletic programs shall develop a gender equity plan pursuant to section 1000.05, F.S. The plan is to include consideration of equity in sports offerings, participation, availability of facilities, scholarship offerings and funds allocated for administration, recruitment, comparable coaching, publicity and promotion and other support costs.