Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan definition
Examples of Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan in a sentence
FHK Full-pay Plan,” or “Full-pay Plan” means the non-Title XXI Florida Healthy Kids insurance coverage available to children ages five (5) through the end of age eighteen (18) who are ineligible for the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan but who are otherwise eligible for health benefits administered by FHKC.
Florida has integrated the following programs under the Florida KidCare brand:• Children’s Medicaid• Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan• Florida Healthy Kids Full-pay Plan• MediKids CHIP Plan• MediKids full-pay, and• Children’s Medical Services (“CMS”) Health Plan CHIP and Medicaid The scope of services for this ITN is the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan and Full-pay Plan dental components of Florida KidCare.
ScopeThis procurement document is issued for dental services and coverage for children enrolled in the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan and Full-pay Plan as described in Attachment 1: Draft Contract.
Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan and Full-pay Plan EnrollmentAs of May 2021, there are 132,960 CHIP enrollees and 21,052 Full-pay enrollees.
Based on official forecasts from March 2021, which assumed that the public health emergency would have ended in May 2021, the annual growth rate of the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan caseload was estimated to be 26.36%1 percent from July 2021 through June 2022 and 4.97 percent from July 2022 through June 2023.
Florida Healthy Kids CHIP PlanIn accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan provides health and dental coverage for all children in the household from age 5 through the end of age 18 whose families exceed the income eligibility threshold for Medicaid, but do not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level (“FPL”).
Florida Healthy Kids Full-pay PlanThe Florida Healthy Kids Full-pay Plan is a CHIP “look-alike” insurance option for children who do not qualify for lower subsidized rates through the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan because their family’s income exceeds 200 percent of the FPL.
Program OverviewFlorida has integrated the following programs under the Florida KidCare brand:Children’s Medicaid Florida Healthy Kids CHIP PlanFlorida Healthy Kids Full-pay PlanMediKids CHIPMediKids full-pay, andChildren’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan (“CMS Plan”) CHIP and MedicaidThe scope of services for this ITN is the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan and Full-pay Plan dental components of Florida KidCare.
The purpose of this ITN is to explore the various questions identified in this ITN and to determine through the negotiation process the insurers best qualified to assume the underwriting risk and provide dental services and coverage through the Florida Healthy Kids CHIP Plan and the Florida Healthy Kids Full-pay Plan (together, the “Program”).