Examples of Flow attenuation in a sentence
Flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and natural depressions.
Flow attenuation of treated storm water by the use of open vegetated swales and natural depressions.
Flow attenuation facilities such as swales and natural depressions should be properly graded to ensure positive drainage and avoid prolonged ponding of water.
Department of Management Science and Operations, London Business School, Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, NW1 4SA, London, UK.
The evidence could not made available to the Fitness to Practise Panel for a demonstrated, valid and over-riding reason outside the student’s control.
We cannot ask our Marines to do what we are not willing to do.A Marine is ThriftyOne aesthetic that attracted me to the Marine Corps was a tough shab-State’s campus when Army cadets were at the football game—on Saturdays.
Flow attenuation: Prolonging the flow time of runoff to reduce the peak discharge.
Flow attenuation reduces peak flows within the collection system and extends available capacity of existing infrastructure.
Flow attenuation greatly reduced in winter thus flow changes translate downstream In its EIS, BC Hydro has dismissed the downstream importance of its proposed new Peace River flow regime (with Site C) because they will be “largely attenuated” at the Town of Peace River and beyond (EIS Section 11, p 11-79).
Flow attenuation and the inability of most sediment to transport from the upper watershed into the lower watershed are large drivers, but not the only drivers, contributing to loss of geomorphic integrity in the system.