Examples of Flowage easement in a sentence
Flowage easement lands are defined as those lands below the elevation contour of 560.0 feet above mean sea level.
Flowage easement land is non-Corps-owned land on which the Corps has acquired certain perpetual rights, including the right to flood the land.
Flowage easement language should include a required adherence to an ongoing operation and maintenance plan by the holder of the easement (Diversion Authority) which describes timelines and assigns the ongoing responsibility for clean-up to the easement holder (Diversion Authority or other operating authority) for the existence of the Project.
Example: Flowage easement, which is the perpetual right to submerge land owned by another, where the landowner retains all rights and privileges that do not interfere with or limit this right.
Flowage easement elevations were set at elevation 80.0 and 85.0 feet, NGVD, at the Steele Bayou structure for water management--induced ponding of water for winter waterfowl.
Flowage easement is the right of government to use the land of another for the purpose of overflow, flood and submerge (Strain, 1981).
Flowage easement landowners placing other structures directly on flowage easement lands may need written consent from the Corps of Engineers.
Section 404 Permit - Clean Water Act Section 404 and a Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 permit for activities which involve the discharge of dredge or fill material into waters of the United States or work or structures in or affecting navigable waters of the United States, Consent- Real Property – The US Army Corps manages Less than surface rights – Flowage easement , Road easement, improvements & Structures.- Consent from Real estate.
Flowage easement is a real estate interest that the Government acquired entitling the Government to store water on private property.
Flowage easement boundaries are marked with a yellow post at elevation 845 m.s.l. Total flowage easement line is 42 miles.