JOB BIDDING Section 1. All job vacancies will be posted as follows: a.) The position will be posted on Kaleidascope for seven (7) calendar days. b.) The posting shall include the position (job title), posting dates, status, hours per pay period, shift, starting and ending times, pay grade and the qualifications for the position as defined in the job description for the position. A copy of all job postings will be sent to the Union. c.) Employees may not be accepted for posted positions until they have completed six (6) months of employment. In addition, an employee who has transferred to a position must remain in that position for six (6) months before applying for another posted position. Except that an employee may apply for a posted position which is at a higher pay grade without regard to the six (6) month limit. This paragraph shall not apply to intra cost center shift change or intra cost center status changes. Section 2. Posted positions shall be filled by the most senior qualified applicant from within the bargaining unit. If the position cannot be filled from within the bargaining unit, the Employer may fill the position from any source available to the Employer, provided the candidate meets all of the qualifications for hiring into that position. In all instances, the appropriate manager is responsible for the interview and selection of applicants within fourteen (14) days of the end of the posting. Section 3. A qualified applicant shall be defined as an employee who possesses the entry level qualifications in the job description and is able to do the work when required. Ability to do the work and documented performance, inclusive of disciplinary record, may be considered when awarding a position. The Employer will notify all applicants of the result of their bid in a timely manner not to exceed two (2) weeks from the date the position is awarded. Section 4. A successful bidder shall be required to serve a sixty (60) calendar day trial period exclusive of any classroom training required. At the midpoint of the trial period the employee shall be evaluated and given written notification if a problem exists. During the trial period, the employee will be returned to his/her original position if the employee elects to be returned or the Employer finds the employee is unsatisfactory in the new position.