Examples of Forecast Peak Demand in a sentence
Regardless of whether alterations are required to existing Facilities, if the Customer’s Forecast Peak Demand increases, a new Electric Service Agreement must be executed based on the new Forecast Peak Demand.
The Customer shall under no circumstances exceed the Forecast Peak Demand and shall provide one (1) year prior written notice to EDTI of any increase in the Forecast Peak Demand.
The Forecast Peak Demand will be used for establishing the investment available and the Contracted Minimum Demand.
If a Customer’s Forecast Peak Demand decreases, the Customer’s Contracted Minimum Demand shall not be reduced.
Table 1-5 Peak Demand Forecast (average value of the three highest daily loads) for August(Nationwide, 104 kW at the sending end)* Average Annual Growth Rate for the forecast value of FY 2018 6 GDP expressed as the chained price for CY 2011.7 Index value in CY 2010 = 100 Figure 1-1 Actual and Forecast Peak Demand (Nationwide for August, 104 kW at the sending end) b.