Examples of Foreign banking organization in a sentence
Foreign banking organization commenters also argued that the proposals did not adequately take into consideration the principle of national treatment and equality of competitive opportunity, or the extent to which a foreign banking organization is subject on a consolidated basis to home country standards that are comparable to those that are applied to the firm in the United States.
Foreign banking organization means a foreign bank that operates a branch, agency, or commercial lending company subsidiary in the United States; controls a bank in the United States; or controls an Edge corporation acquired after March 5, 1987; and any company of which the foreign bank is a subsidiary.
Foreign banking organization commenters also argued that inter-affiliate transactions should be excluded from the measure, including any guarantee related to securities issued to fund the foreign parent, and guarantees used to facilitate clearing of swaps and futures for affiliates that are not clearing members.
Foreign banking organization commenters also argued that the proposals did not adequately take into consideration the principle of national treatment and equality of competitive opportunity, or the extent to which a foreign banking organization issubject on a consolidated basis to home country standards that are comparable to those that are applied to the firm in the United States.
Foreign banking organization means a foreign bank that operates a branch, agency, or commercial lending company subsidiaryThe Board is finalizing the framework set forth under the proposals, with certain adjustments.3 Specifically, the final rule revises the thresholds for application of prudential standards to large banking organizations and tailors the stringency of these standards based on the risk profiles of these firms.
Foreign banking organization commenters argued that the proposals did not give adequate regard to the principle of national treatment and equality of competitive opportunity.
Foreign banking organization commenters also argued that inter-affiliate transactions should be excluded from the measure, including any guarantee related to securities used to fund the foreign parent, and guarantees used to facilitate clearing of swaps and futures for affiliates that are not clearing members.
This meansthe assets from several funds are comingled for investmenturposes and anywninvestment changes in assets are proportionally allocated to the constituent funds.
Useful abbreviations: EFFR – Effective fed funds rate FBO – Foreign banking organization GSE – Government Sponsored Enterprises (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Farmer Mac, Federal Home Loan Banks [FHLB]) IOER – Interest on Excess Reserves Short-term wholesale funding markets provide financial intermediaries with funds that supplement retail deposits and long-term debt issuance.
Foreign banking organization is defined in 12 C.F.R. § 211.21(o) (2002) (Regulation K).