Examples of Sponsoring organization in a sentence
Provide the Sponsoring Organization with a copy of the current Minnesota Department of Human Services child care license or CACFP alternate approval documents for CACFP application purposes.
Maintain records for each fiscal year on site at Center for three years after submission of the final claim for the fiscal year, including copies of records that have been submitted to Sponsoring Organization.
Ensure that complete information is provided and send copies of completed enrollment forms to Sponsoring Organization in a timely manner.
Other: Center Rights and Responsibilities In accordance with CACFP regulations at 7 CFR 226, 2 CFR 200 and program directives, Center agrees to: Site Eligibility Documentation Annually provide Sponsoring Organization with Center information for CACFP application purposes.
Annually, and when new participants enroll, distribute, and collect signed Household Income Statements and send completed forms to Sponsoring Organization in a timely manner.