Examples of Forest Estate in a sentence
These track the state of flows and build flow records for different packet classes: The first chain handles setup on the first packet of a new flow.
Three (3) of the eight (8) garages to be demolished have been re-provided as only three (3) are occupied by Forest Estate residents.
Commitment to sustainable forest management and maintenance of Permanent Forest Estate.
This estimate includes the State Forest Estate, and excludes lands under the jurisdiction of indigenous peoples, who will be able to ‘opt in’ to the forest protection programme through the national consultation process.
VFV lands do not include the gazette Permanent Forest Estate (PFE) under the direct responsibility of MoECAF but does include forest lands which are not gazette or reserved and therefore not included in the PFE (see Section 3).
In Gloucestershire, a significant amount of the Public Forest Estate within the Forest of Dean has been designated as open access land without exclusions or restrictions.
The Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MoECAF) is responsible for managing all forestlands in the country including the Permanent Forest Estate (PFE) and Public Forests.
This difference is most significant in context to rights recognized in Indonesia’s National Forest Estate, where time bound and conditional rights are awarded to individuals and cooperatives through the community forestry program.
The GFC is a semi-autonomous organization formed in 1979 with a legal mandate to manage and control the utilization of the State Forest Estate.
To this end, the National Forestry Act of 1984 was formulated and later adopted by the individual States in Peninsular Malaysia.Legally, land in Malaysia is divided into State land, Alienated land (for which private titles have been issued) and the Permanent Forest Estate (PFE which includes forest reserves, protected forests, National Parks/Wildlife & Bird Sanctuaries.