Examples of Other Land in a sentence
Vacant and nonagricultural land surrounded on all sides by urban development and greater than 40 acres is mapped as Other Land.
Where assets are not in use but do not meet the criteria for Assets Held for Sale, then they are classed as Surplus Assets within the Property, Plant and Equipment and Other Land and Building categories.
Such assets are categorised as Other Land and Buildings, Vehicles Plant and Equipment, Infrastructure, Community Assets, Surplus Assets and Assets Under Construction (if any).
Other Land & Buildings leased out under an operating lease will be subject to depreciation in the same manner as other assets within the same category.
Class of AssetsValuation BasisProperty, Plant and Equipment: DwellingsCurrent value, comprising existing use value for social housing.Dwellings are valued using market prices for comparable properties, adjusted to reflect occupancy under secure tenancies.Property, Plant and Equipment: Other Land and BuildingsCurrent value, comprising existing use value.Where prices for comparable properties are available in an active market, properties are valued at market value taking into account the existing use.