Forest, old growth definition

Forest, old growth means a stand of trees that have developed for one hundred fifty years or longer and have the following structural characteristics: large old-growth trees, large snags, large logs on land, and large logs in streams. WAC 352-16-020(a).

Examples of Forest, old growth in a sentence

  • At the present time 11,700 ha of Lowland Forest old growth is protected, along with 25,600 ha of Damp Forest old growth.

  • Only 25 ha of Montane Dry Woodland is proposed for harvesting and in the case of Riparian Forest, the area not set aside in reserves or the SPZ is protected under the Code of Forest Practices.According to the Commonwealth criteria, a minimum of 90% of Lowland Forest old growth and 74% of the Damp Forest old growth requires protection.

Related to Forest, old growth

  • Anadromous fish means fish that spawn in fresh water and mature in the marine environment.

  • Target Group means the Target and its Subsidiaries.