ForexClear Excess Loss means the net sum or aggregate of net sums certified to be payable by a Defaulter in respect of ForexClear Business by a Rule 19 Certificate less (a) the proportion of the Capped Amount applicable to ForexClear Business under Rule 15(c) and (b) any sums then immediately payable in respect of ForexClear Business Default Losses owed by such Defaulter by any insurer or provider of analogous services under any policy of insurance or analogous instrument written in favour of the Clearing House
ForexClear Excess Loss means the net sum or aggregate of net sums certified to be payable by a Defaulter in respect of ForexClear Business by a Rule 19 Certificate less (a) the proportion of the Capped Amount applicable to ForexClear Business under Rule 15(c) and (b) any sums then immediately payable in respect of ForexClear Business Default Losses owed by such Defaulter by any insurer or provider of analogous services under any policy of insurance or analogous instrument written in favour of the Clearing House"ForexClear Fund Amount"means the amount as determined in accordance with Rule F2(c) of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"ForexClear Liquidity Event"means the event or circumstance specified as such in Regulation 101(a)"ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contributions"means the AUD ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contribution, CHF ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contribution, EUR ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contribution, and GBP ForexClear Liquidity Fund Contribution"ForexClear Loss Distribution Process"has the meaning assigned to it in Rule F9 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement"ForexClear Matcher"means a party which has been notified in writing by the Clearing House to ForexClear Participants from time to time as being a matching provider for the ForexClear Service"ForexClear NDF Contract"means a Contract entered into by the Clearing House with a ForexClear Clearing Member on the ForexClear NDF Contract Terms which includes, in the case of the Default Rules (including the ForexClear DMP Annex but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, the Client Clearing Annex), the FCM Default Fund Agreement and any other document, rule or procedure as specified by the Clearing House from time to time, an FCM ForexClear Contract"ForexClear NDF Contract Terms"means the terms applicable to each ForexClear NDF Contract as set out from time to time in the Product Specific Contract Terms and Eligibility Criteria Manual applicable to ForexClear NDF Contracts"ForexClear NDF STM Contract"means a ForexClear NDF Contract that is either (i) registered at the Clearing House as a ForexClear NDF STM Contract pursuant to Regulation 91, (ii) converted into a ForexClear NDF STM Contract by the Clearing House pursuant to Regulation 106A, or (iii) a ForexClear NDF STM Contract through novation pursuant to Regulation 12(b), in each casethe terms of which therefore include the ForexClear NDF STM Terms