Frail elderly definition

Frail elderly means an individual who meets functional eligibility requirements, as established by the state department, for nursing home care and who is fifty-five years of age or older.
Frail elderly means a person at least 62 years of age who requires assistance in performing at least two activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living (that is, eating, dressing, grooming and household management activities). Only projects which qualify as “housing for older persons” under the Fair Housing Act may reserve units for rental exclusively to the frail elderly.
Frail elderly means individuals who qualify for either:

Examples of Frail elderly in a sentence

  • Frail elderly means an elderly person who is unable to perform at least three activities of daily living as defined in this section.

  • Frail elderly patients suffering from several serious chronic illnesses are not likely to use or benefit from this technology as it has thus far been implemented.In addition to a generational difference, many patients lack the necessary manual dexterity, patience, or inclination to rely on devices to manage their deteriorating health unless, of course, these devices are totally unobtrusive and simple to operate.

  • Frail elderly persons for this application process are defined as persons 60 years of age and older who are at increased risk of death or functional decline who are residents of Montgomery County.

  • Frail elderly patients are characterised as having complex health and social care needs, being at risk of hospital or residential care home admission, and requiring a range of high level interventions due to their frailty and multiple chronic conditions.

  • Frail elderly person means an individual 62 years of age or older who is unable to perform at least three activities of daily living (ADLs) as defined by the regulations for HUD’s Section 202 Program (Supportive Housing for the Elderly) at 24 CFR 891.205.

  • They do what they think is the best for me.” Frail elderly patients’ preferences for participation in their care during hospitalization.

  • Friedrichsen M:"They do what they think is the best for me." Frail elderly patients' preferences for participation in their care during hospitalization.

  • Frail elderly people with complex needs are identified in a timely manner by a Case Manager, working with a Consultant Geriatrician across the hospital- community interface, and are actively managed using a variety of settings other than Emergency Departments.

  • The project has installed capacity of 103.50 megawatts and located in Nakorn Ratchasima Province.The Company holds 20 per cent stakes.

  • Frail elderly person means an individual 62 years of age or older who is unable to perform at least three activities of daily living (ADLs) as defined by the regulations for HUD’s Section 202 Program (Supportive Housing for the Elderly) at 24 CFR 891.205.Assisted living is defined in section232(b)(6) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715w).

More Definitions of Frail elderly

Frail elderly means individuals who are:
Frail elderly for the purposes of this act means any person sixty years of age or older, with limitations which restrict the person's ability to perform the normal activities of daily living.
Frail elderly means people who are age 65 or older as defined in Chapter 46 or Chapter 55 Stats.
Frail elderly means a person having those chronic physical
Frail elderly means a person having those chronic physical or mental limitations that restrict individual ability to carry out normal activities of daily living and that threaten an individual's capacity to live an independent life.

Related to Frail elderly

  • Elderly means Elderly as defined in Section 420.503, F.S.

  • Elderly Housing means housing intended for and only occupied by Elderly persons, including a family in which all members are Elderly. All household members must be Elderly (no children, and no disabled persons under the age of 62).

  • Elder abuse (OAA) means abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an older individual (elder) including the willful:

  • Elder means a person 60 years of age or older.

  • Smokeless tobacco means any powder that consists of cut, ground, powdered, or leaf tobacco that contains nicotine and that is intended to be placed in the oral cavity;

  • Tobacco paraphernalia means any item designed or marketed for the consumption, use, or preparation of Tobacco Products.

  • Radiation therapist means a person, other than a Licensed Practitioner or Nuclear Medicine Technologist, who applies radiation to humans for therapeutic purposes under the supervision of a Licensed Practitioner;

  • Centers means the international agricultural and natural resources research centers that are members of the Consortium; and each a “Center”.

  • Home health aide means an individual employed by a home health agency to provide home health services under the direction of a registered nurse or therapist.

  • Nuclear pharmacy means a pharmacy providing radio-pharmaceutical service.

  • Deaf/blindness means concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational problems that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for students with deafness or students with blindness.

  • Palliative care means medical service rendered to reduce or moderate temporarily the intensity of an otherwise stable medical condition, but does not include those medical services ren- dered to diagnose, heal or permanently alleviate or eliminate a medical condition.

  • Emergency Medical Transportation means the transportation, by ambulance, of sick, injured or otherwise incapacitated persons who require emergency medical care.

  • Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.

  • Nurse aide means any individual who is not a licensed health professional or volunteer providing nursing or nursing-related services to residents in a nursing facility.

  • Medically Necessary Services means those covered services that are, under the terms and conditions of the contract, determined through contractor utilization management to be:

  • Emergency medical technician means a person who is either an EMT-I, EMT-II, or EMT-P (paramedic), and possesses a valid certificate or license in accordance with the standards of Division 2.5 (commencing with Section 1797) of the Health and Safety Code.

  • Medically necessary care means care that is (1) appropriate and consistent with and essential for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a Patient’s condition; (2) the most appropriate supply or level of service for the Patient’s condition that can be provided safely; (3) not provided primarily

  • Pet Ambulance means a Pet medical transportation service vehicle equipped with stretchers, hydraulic tables, oxygen and a driver and/or veterinary technician.

  • Health professional shortage area (HPSA) means an urban or

  • Massage therapist means a person who practices massage therapy.

  • Ambulance means a registered road vehicle, boat or aircraft operated by an Ambulance Service Provider and equipped for the transport of persons requiring medical attention.

  • Non-Administrator Ambulatory Surgical Facility means an Ambulatory Surgical Facility which does not meet the definition of an Administrator Ambulatory Surgical Facility.

  • Hospice means a public agency or private organization licensed pursuant to Chapter 400, Florida Statutes, to provide Hospice services. Such licensed entity must be principally engaged in providing pain relief, symptom management, and supportive services to terminally ill Members and their families.

  • Specialist Physician means a licensed physician who qualifies as an attending physician and who examines a patient at the request of the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner to aid in evaluation of disability, diagnosis, or provide temporary specialized treatment. A specialist physician may provide specialized treatment for the compensable injury or illness and give advice or an opinion regarding the treatment being rendered, or considered, for a patient’s compensable injury.

  • Welder means a person employed to provide acetylene or electric welding services