Nursing home care definition

Nursing home care means in-patient care and services provided by nursing homes, also identified as long-term care facilities, licensed under Indiana law and certified as meeting Medicaid standards of care to provide one (1) of two (2) levels of care as described in 470 IAC 5-3 the Indiana's Medicaid Program Criteria for Level of Care by Long-Term Care Facilities, such levels of care being identified as skilled level of care and intermediate level of care.
Nursing home care means the ac- commodation of convalescents or other persons who are not acutely ill and not in need of hospital care, but who re- quire nursing care and related medical services, if such nursing care and med- ical services are prescribed by, or are performed under the general direction of, persons duly licensed to provide such care (nursing services must be provided 24 hours a day). Such term in- cludes services furnished in skilled nursing care facilities. Such term ex- cludes hospice care.
Nursing home care means in-patient care and services provided by nursing homes, also identified as long term care facilities, licensed under IC 16-28 and meeting Medicaid standards described in 405 IAC 1-3.

Examples of Nursing home care in a sentence

  • Nursing home care in a contract public or private nursing home facility may be authorized for the following: Any veteran who has been discharged from a hospital under the direct juris- diction of VA and is currently receiv- ing VA hospital based home health services.

  • Nursing home care charges shall be set by the Board and may be periodically revised.

  • Nursing home care, custodial care, skilled nursing, long term acute care, assisted living, or extended care facility services, regardless of the level of care required or provided.

  • Nursing home care waiver To access your funds if the annuitant is confined to a qualified nursing home or hospital, the annuitant must: • Be admitted to a qualified nursing facility after the contract issue date and remain confined to the qualified facility for 90 consecutive days.4 • The annuitant must have been age 74 or younger when your contract was issued.

  • Nursing home care, on the other hand, generally costs more in that it provides LTC assistance 24 hours a day and includes the cost of room and board.

More Definitions of Nursing home care

Nursing home care means nursing care and related services provided on an in- patient basis by a state licensed or certified facility, other than a hospital (except for an area of a hospital or unit that is licensed or certified as a nursing care facility and that is not providing acute care).
Nursing home care means nursing care and related services provided on an in- patient basis by a state licensed or certified facility, other than a hospital (except for
Nursing home care means accommodation and nursing care of a kind provided in a nursing home;
Nursing home care means accommodation and nursing care for the purpose of professional attention, being accommodation and nursing care of a kind ordinarily provided in a benevolent home, convalescent home, home for aged persons or rest home for patients requiring professional attention;”; and
Nursing home care means basic care and care provided under an approved program; NHA Section 1(b)&(c) (d) “approved program” means a program approved by the Minister in respect of the provision of care in addition to basic care in one or more nursing homes; (c) “basic care” means the types and levels of basic services prescribed in the regulations to be provided to residents.
Nursing home care has the same meaning as in the National Health Act 1953 ;
Nursing home care means nursing care and related services provided on an in-patient basis by a state licensed or certified facility, other than a hospital (except for a hospital or unit licensed or certified to provide nursing services specifically designated as long-term care services).