Free Equity definition
Free Equity means the GLV of the Client’s CFD Account less the Initial Margin, any Additional Margin and any commission, fees and interest amounts payable by the Client to CGS-CIMB in connection with a CFD, calculated by CGS-CIMB in the base currency of the CFD Account on an aggregate basis across all open CFD positions. “自由股权”是指客户CFD账户的GLV减去初始保证金,任何额外保证金以及客户向CGS-CIMB支付的与CFD相关的佣金、费用和利息金额,由CGS-CIMB以CFD账户基础货币计算在所有开立CFD头寸的基础上计算。
Free Equity means your Account Equity less any margin required to hold any open positions.
Free Equity means the GLV of the Account less CFD Initial Margin;
Examples of Free Equity in a sentence
To be treated as Available Principal Collections: Series Allocation Percentage of Minimum Free Equity Shortfall0.00xi.
Where Free Equity is relatively small this may result in triggering the Liquidation Level causing all open Contracts to be closed.Clients are reminded that all open Contracts are rolled independently and not on a net basis.
If your Margin Cover is not positive, there will be no Free Equity.
Minimum Free Equity Amount (EOP Aggregate Principal Receivables * 4.0%) 752,974,117.38 w.
Margin is initially the minimum amount of Free Equity required to enter into a Margin FX Contract or a CFD with us.
More Definitions of Free Equity
Free Equity means the GLV of the Client's Account less any Margin and any amounts payable by the Client to Maybank Kim Eng in connection with a CFD, calculated by Maybank Kim Eng on an aggregate basis across all the Client’s open CFDs;
Free Equity means the GLV of the Client’s Account less the Margin in connection with a CFD, calculated by CGS-CIMB in the base currency of the Account on an aggregate basis across all open CFD positions;
Free Equity means the GLV of the Client's Account less any Margin and any amounts payable by the Client to Maybank Securities in connection with a CFD, calculated by Maybank Securities on an aggregate basis across all the Client’s open CFDs;
Free Equity means the Total Equity of your Account less your Margin Requirement and any commission fees and financing amounts payable by you to us.
Free Equity means free equity as approved from time to time by the annual shareholders’ meeting in accordance with Finnish GAAP.
Free Equity means the GLV of the Client’s CFD Account less the Initial Margin, any Additional Margin and any brokerage/commission, fees and interest amounts payable by the Client to MFGA in connection with a CFD not already taken into account in the GLV, calculated by MFGA in AUD on an aggregate basis across all the Client’s open CFD positions.
Free Equity means the GLV of the Client's Account less any Margin and any amounts payable by the Client to KES in connection with a CFD, calculated by KES on an aggregate basis across all the Client’s open CFDs;