Free Float definition
Examples of Free Float in a sentence
In addition, under Rule 724(1) of the Catalist Rules, if the Free Float Requirement is not complied with, the Company must, as soon as possible, notify its sponsor of that fact and announce that fact and the SGX-ST may suspend trading of all the Shares on the SGX-ST.
However, the site has maintained procedures, measures and internal documentation to ensure the importance of this condition.
Free Float Ratio has been defined by the Capital Markets Board (CMB) as a concept showing free float rate of the stocks traded on Borsa İstanbul equity markets, and is calculated and announced by CRA.
Weighted FFMV (Weighted Free Float Market Value) is calculated by multiplying the Market Value by the Free Float Ratio and the Weighting Factor.
Under Rule 724(1) of the Listing Manual, if the Free Float Requirement is not satisfied, the Company must, as soon as possible, announce that fact and the SGX-ST may suspend trading of all the Shares.