Examples of FSA State in a sentence
A request for an exception to the prohibition found in paragraph (c)(1) of this section may be submitted jointly by the FSA program partici- pant and FSA employee (whether on his or her own behalf, or on behalf the employee’s spouse or minor child), to the FSA State Executive Director.
If you believe that this issue is appealable, you must write to either the FSA State Executive Director or the NAD Director at the applicable address shown and explain why you believe this determination is appealable.
If you choose to seek an appealability review of this determination with the FSA State Executive Director, you need not send the NAD Director any information.
You may seek a review of this determination by filing with either the FSA State Executive Director or the National Appeals Division (NAD) Director a written request no later than 30 calendar days after the date you receive this notice according to the FSA appeal procedures found at 7 CFR Part 780 or the NAD appeal procedures found at 7 CFR Part 11.
C Handbook Purpose This handbook provides policies and procedures to FSA State and County Offices for adhering to general provisions and carrying out BCAP responsibilities.
To become qualified, the eligible BCF must enter into an agreement with CCC and submit related forms and documents according to subparagraphs 71 A and C, to the FSA State Office in the State where the facility is primarily physically located.
NRCS provides conserva-tion planning and supports practice implementation.Contact NRCS or FSA State or local office: http://www.
NRCS provides technical assistance.Contact NRCS or FSA State or local office: http://www.
Requests for information or copies regarding oversight and compliance shall be made in writing by the requestor and processed by FSA State and County Office employees responsible for processing FOIA and Privacy Act requests.
The Lender will contact the appropriate FSA State Office for guidance when submitting requests for guarantee outside of the normal trade area.