Examples of Total state aid in a sentence
Total state aid is the sum of the state’s share of Tier I and Tier II plus the Existing Debt Allotment and the Instructional Facilities Allotment, plus other program aid which the state funds without requiring local matching.
In ten Member States this is an important part of state aid, and in particular in the UK, Malta, Finland, Hungary and Ireland, tax incentives constitute a significant part of total state aid.• Total state aid from analysed funding bodies with budgets exceeding €1m and from tax-incentive schemes is equivalent to an average of €5 per capita in the EU25 of which about 40% comes in the form of tax incentives.
Total state aid is calculated by multiplying the BASE aid by the adjusted enrollment.
Total state aid granted by the fifteen Member States was estimated at €53 billion in 2003, Germany granting the most aid (€16 billion), followed by France (€9 billion) and Italy (€7 billion).
Table 11: Total state aid and share of aid to agriculture and fisheries from 2005 –2007 Agriculture and fisheriesSource: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Ministry of Regional Development, Forestry and Water Management; data processed in CCA In 2007 the share of state aid to agriculture and fisheries in total state aid amounted to35.9 %, in 2006 32.1 %, whereas in 2005 this share was 42 %.
Total state aid in this category has been reduced in 2007 compared with 2006 by some75.7 % and they amounted to HRK 40.4 million.
Total state aid in this category has been reduced in 2006 compared with 2005 by some 30 % and amounted to 40.6 million HRK.Table 29: State aid to other sectors by aid instruments 2004 – 2006 Other services Source: Ministry of Finance; data processed in CCA.
Total state aid to maritime transport spent in million EUR, at current prices, 2009-2016 Source: Table 1.The least money for this purpose was allocated by the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, while in the Baltic States these amounts were small (up to EUR 50 million in the case of Latvia in 2015), the rest of the countries allocated money for the state aid to shipping sporadically, small amounts (e.g. Poland) or did not support its sea transport at all.
IndicatorUnit of measure201120122013Indexes Total state aid granted in the Republic of Serbia in 2013 amounted to RSD 81,451 million, which is less than total state aid granted in 2012 and 2011, by 7% and 1% respectively.The share of state aid in the GDP in 2013 amounted to 2.25%.
Average Daily Attendance Weighted ADAEstimated Cost per WADA2006-2007 District Budget Executive Summary Introductory Section State Revenues Total state aid is the sum or the state’s share of Tier I and Tier II plus the Existing Debt Allotment (EDA) and the Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA), plus other program aid which the state funds without requiring local matching.