Fuel taxes definition

Fuel taxes means the per gallon excise taxes imposed under division I of Iowa Code chapter 452A with respect to motor fuel and undyed special fuel.
Fuel taxes means the per gallon excise taxes imposed under divisions I and III of this chapter with respect to motor fuel and undyed special fuel.
Fuel taxes means all taxes, assessments and other Charges lawfully levied or assessed upon any Borrower with respect to the sale, marketing, distribution and/or any other action taken with respect to ethanol by such Borrower.

Examples of Fuel taxes in a sentence

  • Fuel taxes owed (or refunds due) are calculated using the differential fuel tax rates for each of the jurisdictions in which travel was undertaken and fuel purchased.

  • Fuel taxes and other traditional sources of revenue are spent on a pay as you go basis as they are collected and allocated.

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  • Fuel taxes paid by commercial users of the inland waterway system contribute to the IWTF, which pays for 50 percent of construction and major rehabilitation on the system, with the rest coming from the General Fund; once completed, project maintenance and operations are entirely paid for from the General Fund. This means that only USACE can perform construction and operations, even if there is a less costly alternative.

  • In listing the attributes that make fuel taxes attractive sources for funding transportation, the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission (2007) notes, “low administrative and compliance costs,” as well as “ease of implementation.” Fuel taxes also have relatively low operation and enforcement costs.

More Definitions of Fuel taxes

Fuel taxes means the excise taxes collected for use by the City in connection with the privilege of selling, using or distributing motor vehicle fuel in the City or the State, as the case may be, so long as the 2015 Bonds issued hereunder remain Outstanding, the proceeds of which taxes now are or hereafter may be specifically authorized by statute and by the Governing Body to be pledged for the payment of the 2015 Bonds, whether levied by the City, the State, or otherwise, subject to the exempt sales and to the other exempt transactions provided by law, and subject to the credits and refunds authorized by law and pertaining thereto except those defrayed as Administration Expenses. Such taxes are not necessarily limited to any type or types of motor vehicle fuel in use when the 2015 Bonds are issued; and, subject to such exempt sales and to such other exempt transactions, such taxes now consist of:
Fuel taxes means motor vehicle fuel taxes imposed under ORS 319.010 to 319.430 and taxes
Fuel taxes means the per gallon and per kilowatt excise
Fuel taxes has the meaning set forth in Section 3.4(d). “Independent Auditor” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1. “Inventory” has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1(b). “Inventory Value” has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.
Fuel taxes means motor vehicle fuel taxes imposed under ORS 319.010 to 319.430 and taxes imposed on the use of fuel in a motor vehicle under ORS 319.510 to 319.880.
Fuel taxes means the per gallon and per kilowatt excise taxes imposed under subchapters I and III of this chapter, and section 452A.41, with respect to motor fuel, and undyed special fuel, and electric fuel.
Fuel taxes means all taxes, duties, surcharges, imposts, levies and similar impositions imposed on the Contractor in relation to:- (a) the purchase and/or use of Biomass Fuel and/or imported electricity; (b) the generation and/or export of electricity; (c) the sale of export electricity by the Contractor or the Authority; and/or (d) the cost of trading in greenhouse Gas emissions under the EU Emissions Trading Directive (2003/87/EC) and/or the Greenhouse Gases Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2003; and any similar or replacement charges imposed on the Contractor during the term of this Agreement;