Imported electricity definition

Imported electricity means electricity generated outside the state of Washington with a final point of delivery within the state.
Imported electricity means electricity generated outside
Imported electricity means electricity generated outside the state of California and delivered to serve load located inside the state of California. Imported electricity includes electricity delivered across balancing authority areas from a first point of receipt located outside the state of California, to the first point of delivery located inside the state of California, having a final point of delivery in California. Imported electricity includes electricity imported into California over a multi-jurisdictional retail provider’s transmission and distribution system, or electricity imported into the state of California from a facility or unit physically located outside the state of California with the first point of interconnection into a California balancing authority’s transmission and distribution system. Imported electricity includes electricity that is a result of cogeneration located outside the state of California. Imported electricity does not include electricity wheeled through California, defined pursuant to MRR section 95102(a). Imported electricity does not include electricity imported into the CAISO balancing authority area to serve retail customers that are located within the CAISO balancing authority area, but outside the state of California.

Examples of Imported electricity in a sentence

  • Imported electricity is 7.5% of the feedstock energy for Scenario 2 and 4.6% for Scenario 4.

  • Imported electricity prices would also form part of regulated generator prices in South Africa.

  • Imported electricity includes electricity delivered from a point of receipt located outside the state of California, to the first point of delivery inside the state of California, having a final point of delivery in California.Imported electricity includes electricity imported into California over a multi-jurisdictional retail provider’s transmission and distribution system, or electricity imported into California over a balancing authority’s transmission and distribution system.

  • Imported electricity and wheeled electricity are disaggregated by the first point of receipt on the NERC e-Tag.

  • Imported electricity is integral to meeting Afghanistan’s demand, and has resulted in the almost tripling of electricity consumption compared to the 1,289 GWh consumed in 2006.

More Definitions of Imported electricity

Imported electricity means electricity generated outside the state of California and delivered to serve load inside California. Imported electricity includes electricity delivered from a point of receipt located outside the state of California, to the first point of delivery inside the state of California, having a final point of delivery in California.
Imported electricity means electricity generated outside Pennsylvania and delivered to serve load located inside Pennsylvania.
Imported electricity means electricity that is generated outside of California and delivered to a first point of delivery into California with a final point of delivery in California. Imported electricity does not include:
Imported electricity means electricity generated outside the state of California and delivered to serve load located inside the state of California. Imported electricity includes electricity delivered across balancing authority areas from a first point of receipt located outside the state of California, to the first point of delivery located inside the
Imported electricity means electricity that is generated outside of California and delivered into California. Imported electricity does not include power wheeled through California, which is power that is imported into California that terminates in a location outside of California.
Imported electricity means electricity generated outside the state of California and delivered to serve load inside California. Imported electricity includes electricity delivered from a point of receipt located outside the state of California, to the first point of delivery inside the state of California, having a final point of delivery in California. Imported electricity includes electricity imported into California over a multi-jurisdictional retail provider’s transmission and distribution system, or electricity imported into California over a balancing authority’s transmission and distribution system. Imported electricity includes electricity that is a result of cogeneration outside of California. Imported electricity does not include electricity wheeled through California, which is electricity that is delivered into California with final point of delivery outside California.
Imported electricity means electricity, not generated in a jurisdiction with a cap and trade program approved by the minister, delivered from outside British Columbia to a point of delivery in British Columbia, including electricity imported under an exchange program or swap, but not including electricity that