Examples of Imported electricity in a sentence
Imported electricity is 7.5% of the feedstock energy for Scenario 2 and 4.6% for Scenario 4.
Imported electricity prices would also form part of regulated generator prices in South Africa.
Imported electricity includes electricity delivered from a point of receipt located outside the state of California, to the first point of delivery inside the state of California, having a final point of delivery in California.Imported electricity includes electricity imported into California over a multi-jurisdictional retail provider’s transmission and distribution system, or electricity imported into California over a balancing authority’s transmission and distribution system.
Imported electricity and wheeled electricity are disaggregated by the first point of receipt on the NERC e-Tag.
Imported electricity is integral to meeting Afghanistan’s demand, and has resulted in the almost tripling of electricity consumption compared to the 1,289 GWh consumed in 2006.