Full Council definition
Examples of Full Council in a sentence
Members should also ensure that their involvement in the determination of planning applications adheres to the Members Code of Conduct as adopted by Full Council and also the guidance contained in Probity in Planning, 2009.
Full Council meetings ●Committee meetings ●Sub-committee meetings ● a If the draft minutes of a preceding meeting have been served on councillors with the agenda to attend the meeting at which they are due to be approved for accuracy, they shall be taken as read.b There shall be no discussion about the draft minutes of a preceding meeting except in relation to their accuracy.
All payments made are in line with the agreed budget or other resolution of this Committee or Full Council.
On the 8th November 2012 Hillingdon's Full Council agreed the adoption of the Councils Local Plan: Part 1 - Strategic Policies.
The Full Council will decide the Council’s overall revenue budget and overall capital budget and any changes to these.
It will present a report on its work to the Full Council once a year.
Following public consultation and a formal public examination by Government Inspectors the final version of the CPS was adopted by the Full Council on 7.12.09.
The Full Council may engage such staff (referred to as Officers) as it considers necessary to carry out its functions.
The DPD has been through two stages of public consultation and was approved by the Full Council on 7.12.09 for submission to the Secretary of State.
The City Plan 2019-2040 was adopted at Full Council on 21 April 2021.