Examples of Game Engine in a sentence
Miliano, Unrealty: Application of a 3D Game Engine to Enhance the Design, Visualisation and Presentation of Commercial Real Estate, In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia in Dundee, Scotland, 1999.
TGE and the Torque Game Engine are trademarks of GarageGames Inc.
Thabet, Virtual Office Walkthrough Using a 3D Game Engine, International Journal of Design Computing, 2002.
Dragonfly - Program a Game Engine from Scratch, Interactive Media and Game Development, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2014.
Also, it was supported by the IT R&D program of MKE/KEIT, [10032105, Development of Realistic Multiverse Game Engine Technology].
Therefore, some gym extension packages and libraries are generated like Parallel Game Engine, Gym-Gazebo, Gym-Maze to combine Gym with other simulation and rendering tools.OpenAI Gym does not include an agent class or specify what interface the agent should use, it just includes an agent for demonstration purposes[BCP+16].
BRAF mutant TSAs are often proximal, frequently arise from SSAs and are mostly CIMP-H; KRAS mutant TSAs are mostly rectal, have no apparent precursor and are CIMP-low or negative.
It is also worth noting that the development methodology employed, in particular the utilisation of the Unity Game Engine, means that the application developed is somewhat platform agnostic.
The server side hosts the Blender Game Engine (https://www.blender.
As in the present research tries to describe and analyze the necessary theoretical fundamentals of well-known trademark in the different system of trademark law especially in India.