Examples of Game G7 in a sentence
Game G7: Previous game is similar to G5, but with K1 in the challenge ciphertext.
Initialize(k, T ) Game G5, G6, G7501 hc ← 1 ; b ← T + 1Breakin(i) Game G7, G8, G9721 if b = T + 1722 and 1 ≤ i ≤ T then$502 fp ← {1, .
Furthermore, if ID is response-unique (for normal keys),FS [ID] is (t, qh, qs, ε, δ)-weakly-forward-secure.Corollary H.2 Under the same hypothesis of H.1, FS [ID] is (t, qh, qs, ε, δ)-weakly-forward-secure in the random oracle model for:t ≈ (tr − (T − 1) tUpdate) · ε − q t4qh + 6s Sim—SignInitialize(k, T ) Game G7, G′8701 hc ← 1 ; b ← T + 1$702 fp ← {1, .
Game G7: In this game, the adversary uses random oracles to solve the ECGDH-problem.
Game G7: In this game, we compute again v as vi,M = hˆ i,MĚi h i,MĚi , instead of picking itĎi,MĎat random.
The advantage of in the obliviousness game will be exactly the same as that of the environment in distinguishing between Game G6 and Game G7.
Initialize(k, T ) Game G5, G6, G7501 hc ← 1 ; b ← T + 1$Breakin(i) Game G7, G8, G9721 if b = T + 1722 and 1 ≤ i ≤ T then502 fp ← {1, .
The classification accuracy has improved by using a combination of network features and raw intensity time series, without considering separate features.
Finally, Game G7 presentsa reduction when engaging with an OWF challenger.
Game G7: It is the same as G6.n, except that, at the beginning of the game, the challenger picks (ρ0, td0) →$ L0 besides (ρ, td) →$ L and (ρ , td ) →$ L0 0for each i ∈ [n], and when answering &Enc(i∗, m0, m1), the challenger always samples x∗ →$ Lρ0 independently of i∗, instead of x∗ →$ Lρ(i∗) .— ≤6.n 7Overall, we have Pr [Win] Pr [Win] Advml-msmpL0,53,n,Qe(λ) + AdvmsmpL0,54,QeBy the multi-language multi-fold SMP related to L0 (cf.