Game group definition
Examples of Game group in a sentence
Re the proposed 25 year lease to the new Standish Fish and Game Club – my primary concern is that we will beleasing publicly owned land at an extremely reasonable rate to a “private” Fish and Game group that mandates by its bylaws that the participants in the club become members of the NRA and SAM (Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine).
Participants in the Immersive Game group were invited to wear the HMD and were helped by the experimenter to adjust it until they could see well and feel comfortable with it.
It must be noted though that the numbers involved were not large – 19 members in the narrative group and 17 members in the game group.Table 4.1 Attitudes towards the homeless (Batson’s 9-item attitude scale), Game group (Group 1, N = 28) QuestionPre-test meanPost-test meanSig.
Participants in the Serious Game group (respectively the Safety Card group) were told that we were testing a mobile game (respectively a safety card).
Xxxxxxxxxxxx as a result of his secondment to Game under an agreement dated 20 December 1995 which arise as a result of any breach by Game or any other member of the Game group.
The other version, which has the editor feature disabled completely, is given to the Game group.
In the Safety Card group, the experimenter gave the safety card to participants, while in the Immersive Game group, the experimenter helped participants in wearing again and adjusting the HMD, then the game was started.After the experimental condition, physiological sensors were removed and participants filled the questionnaires about fear and engagement.
We found no statistically significant difference between the two groups at pre-test and post-test times of measurement, while we found a statistically significant difference at retention-test time, F(1, 46)=8.87, p=0.005, η 2=0.16, with a higher retention in the Immersive Game group (M=8.42, SD=0.88) than in the Safety Card group (M=7.29, SD=1.63).
THE FACTSOn the day after the Game group of companies entered administration, £10 million of rent fell due.
Testers assigned to the Tool group were able to customize the game unit attributes via the editor and play, while the testers in the Game group only play the game.