Examples of Game Session in a sentence
After each Game Session, the users receive feedback regarding their performance using our NOnVerbal behaviour Analysis tool (NovA) [BDL+13].
Expected behaviour, by performing a SELECT over the Database with the Game Session id, the entire Serious Game Instance can be collected and analyzed.
Only Xbox One Unique Users that participate in a Multiplayer Game Session, [***].
In the event of a technical malfunction of the Game, the Organising Company reserves the right, if necessary, to invalidate and/or cancel the Game Session during which the said malfunction occurred.
This happens at the beginning of a game session, or during the game when the connection to a DOMINATOR node gets lost due to the node’s mobility and a new DOMINATOR node needs to be selected in order to rebuild Scenario Table 4.2: Used Bandwidth [%] Figure 4.1: Sent Data of a Node During a Game Session the Dominating Set.
In the Mobile Phone Game Session, the future of mobile phone games that achieving higher performance and daily use was described from the perspectives of mobile phone carriers and game makers.Discussion in the Finance and Market Session focused on the analysis of remarkable companies in the game sector and the latest financial strategies of game-related companies.
The Game Session In this section, I approach the conventions of TTRPG play by focusing on the social situation of play itself, the game session.
Grade on Entry Knowledge Quiz75Short Paper on Your “Ecological Footprint.”5015 Online Chapter Quizzes (10 pts each)150Attend Leopold Discussion 120Attend Leopold Discussion 220Attend Leopold Discussion 320Attend Commons Game Session 120Attend Commons Game Session 220Leopold Essay 1100Leopold Essay 2100Leopold Essay 3100Test 1200Test 2200Final Exam300Instructor's judgment of your attendance, participation and improvement during the semester.
In the Online Game Session, lectures were given by Mr. Jung Ryool Kim, Chairman of Gravity Corp., from South Korea, and representatives from three leading companies in the Japanese online game business.
And for the Mobile Phone Game Session a key person was invited from a major U.S. cellphone carrier to talk on the theme of overseas promotion of domestic content.