Examples of GB System Operator in a sentence
Based on the discussions of the GC0048 Workgroup it was proposed that a reactive capability range of 0.95 Power Factor lag to 0.95 Power Factor lead at Rated MW output at the Connection Point should be adopted, unless otherwise agreed with the GB System Operator or the relevant Distribution Network Operator.
The proposed GB requirement is therefore shown below in figure 4.6 Figure 4.6 P – Q Capability diagram of a Type C and Type D Power Park Module at the Connection Point For Type C and Type D Power Generating Modules which are distribution connected, and not subject to a Connection Agreement with the GB System Operator, the Distribution Code may obligate such Generators to meet the requirements of the Grid Code through similar arrangements adopted for LEEMPS.
Historic aggregated half-hourly demand data going back to April 2001 is available from the GB System Operator (SO), National Grid [9].
Discussions are on-going with the GB System Operator (SO) and Distribution Licensees regarding the project scope.
Distribution System User (User) For the purposes of this document means any of the following entities that the DNO has a direct or indirect contractual relationship: The holder of a Generation Licence, The holder of a Supply Licence, The holder of an Electricity Distribution Licence, Demand customer, or GB System Operator.
As the GB System Operator we continue to support innovation to facilitate smarter system operation, enabling the efficient and coordinated operation of innovative transmission assets such as HVDC links, series compensation and quadrature boosters.
NGNSL makes available to GB System Operator the mandatory services of Emergency Assistance, Emergency Instruction and Emergency De-Energisation Instruction.Terms for additional Ancillary Services may be agreed from time to time, including the means by which GB System Operator may restrict NSL’s NTC for system security reasons.There are no payments made by NGNSL for the provision of ancillary services provided by users or relevant system operators.
Additionally, Interconnectors and hence neighbouring TSO’s service provision is mandated in the Interconnector Operating Protocol, a tri-party agreement between Moyle Interconnector, SONI and National Grid ESO (GB System Operator) where specific services, including reactive power, are captured.
It is the responsibility of the GB System Operator, National Grid, to ensure that the power generated equals the power demanded.2.2.b. However, as there are only lines of 33kV or below on Shetland, the existing network on Shetland is entirely at distribution voltages, i.e. the distribution network collects power from generators and delivers it to the end customers.
National Grid, as GB System Operator, also recognise that the current model for balancing services should be subject to fundamental review in its June 2017 consultation: System Needs and Product Strategy23.A key component of that consultation is the development of new balancing service products and recognition that most future services will be provided by participants connected to the distribution networks.