Examples of GBRA Board in a sentence
GBRA Board Policy, 411-Capital Assets, provides guidelines for safeguarding and disposing of GBRA’s capital assets.
The GBRA Board may adopt the preliminary budget or may make such amendments it deems proper; provided, however, no change or amendment to the preliminary budget will be made without resubmitting such amended preliminary budget to the WCID not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the GBRA Board meeting scheduled for approval of the annual budget and any such amendment shall not increase the Annual Requirement or the WCID’s obligations hereunder.
The GBRA Board adopted a Defined Contribution Plan to provide retirement benefits for employees hired by GBRA subsequent to December 31, 2010.GUADALUPE-BLANCO RIVER AUTHORITYNOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, CONTINUEDAUGUST 31, 2010 AND 2009 NOTE K - SEGMENT INFORMATION, INCLUDING INTERFUND RECEIVABLES/PAYABLES GBRA is comprised of eleven (11) enterprise funds.
Unit-of Service budgets in other GBRA operations include an annual rate adoption by the GBRA Board where the customer pays for some type of service based on a unit of measure at the applicable rate.
Unit-of Service budgets are for the other GBRA operations where the customer pays for some type of service based on a unit of measure at a rate approved by the GBRA Board of Directors.
The Plan is administered by the Retirement and Benefit Committee appointed by the GBRA Board.
NOTE J – SUBSEQUENT EVENT On November 17, 2010, the GBRA Board of Directors approved an amendment to the GBRA Defined Benefit Pension Plan which closed the Plan to new employees/members effective December 31, 2010.
FUNDING POLICYThe GBRA Board of Directors has sole authority to establish or amend the obligations to contribute to the plan by participants or the employer.
Storage of Canyon Reservoir is less than 885’msl Requirements for Termination (Stage 4) Stage 4 of the Plan may be rescinded when the GBRA Board of Directors cancel such a declaration based on the improved condition of Canyon Reservoir.
A number of lemmas are proved which will be of use later in establishing the confluence result.≡The first of these is that equivalence (C D) does, in fact, capture the synchronization steps which we wish to ignore.