Examples of GEF Council in a sentence
In addition, please note that the UNDP-GEF Unit is not in a position to increase the project budget above the amount already approved by the GEF Council.
This guidance is provided at Annex 4 for your reference, and it was drafted to recognize the specific GEF Council requirements for GEF agencies if and when providing direct project services.
As a GEF Project Agency, CI is accountable to the GEF Council for GEF financed activities and to ensure that such activities are carried out in accordance with CI and GEF policies, criteria and procedures.
As is determined by the GEF Council requirements, these service costs will be assigned as Project Management Cost, duly identified in the project budget as Direct Project Costs.
In addition to providing an independent in-depth review of implementation progress, this type of evaluation is responsive to GEF Council decisions on transparency and better access of information during implementation.
Recurring global reporting requirements, such as annual reports, are complemented by periodic requests by the CPMT, UCP Global Coordinator and/or UNOPS for information on specific subjects, such as reports under preparation for the GEF Council, or for the relevant global environmental conventions.
The SGP is a global and multi-focal area GEF project, approved for funding by the GEF Council on a rolling replenishment, implemented by UNDP on behalf of the GEF partnership, and executed by UNOPS.
Within the parameters established by the GEF Council and reflected in the Project Document for an Operational Phase, the programme seeks to provide for maximum country and community-level ownership and initiative.
The UNDP, as International Agency for this project, will provide project management cycle services for the project as defined by the GEF Council.
There is also systematic follow-up on implementation of the evaluation recommendations accepted by management and/or the GEF Council, with periodic review and follow-up on their status.