General Mining Act definition
Examples of General Mining Act in a sentence
If the BLM is to achieve a lawful outcome in this present administrative process, it must critically analyze and carefully balance its obligations under four key bedrock substantive Federal laws: 1) General Mining Act of 1872, Ch. 152, 17 Stat.
These non-metallic mining concessions shall continue to be governed, insofar as applicable, by the provisions set forth in the General Mining Act.
Mining claims on federal land are governed by the General Mining Act of 1872.
The Parties hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and, if needed, by the provisions of the General Mining Act and the Civil Code.
Pursuant to articles 1435 of the Civil Code and 166 of the General Mining Act, the Optionee is hereby expressly authorized to assign its interest in the Option Agreement and/or the Lease Agreement, in whole or in part, and on the same terms and conditions hereof.
As regards to the portions of cores and/or samples obtained from drilling operations, the Optionee is authorized to freely dispose of up to fifty percent (50%) thereof, keeping control thereof in accordance with the provisions of the General Mining Act.
Section 2 of D.S. No. 011-2017-EM provides that mining concessions granted until December 31, 2008 must comply with the minimum annual production set forth in Section 38 of the General Mining Act by the expiration of 2018.
Legal Basis: - Article 130 of the Consolidated Amended Text of the General Mining Act as approved by Supreme Decree N° 014-92-EM.
RESOURCES & ENV'T 191, 191-95 (1998) (providing an overview of attempts to reform the General Mining Act).
Should no objection be filed within thirty days following the last publication, he shall grant the use of the requested loam land.Note:Legislative Decree No. 109 - of the Single Revised Text (TUO) of the General Mining Act, approved by Supreme Decree No. 014-92-EM - defines loam land as the subsoil that has not been granted in concession.