General purpose revenues definition

General purpose revenues as used in paragraph (2), means revenues consisting of all of the following: secured and unsecured revenues; less than countywide funds, secured and unsecured; prior year secured and unsecured penalties and delinquent taxes; sales and use taxes; transportation taxes (nontransit); property transfer taxes; transient lodging taxes; timber yield taxes; aircraft taxes; franchise taxes; fines, forfeitures, and penalties; revenues from use of money and property; motor vehicle in-lieu taxes; trailer coach in-lieu taxes; homeowner property tax relief; open-space tax relief; and cigarette taxes.
General purpose revenues means revenues received by a county whose purpose is not restricted by state law to a particular purpose or program, as reported in the Controller’s “Annual Report of Financial Transactions Concerning Counties of California.” “General purpose revenues” are limited to all of the following:

Examples of General purpose revenues in a sentence

  • General purpose revenues are available to fund any activity reported in that fund, while restricted revenues are available for a specific purpose or activity and the restrictions are typically required by law or a grantor agency.

  • General purpose revenues are available to fund any activity accounted for in the fund.

  • General purpose revenues are identified by the abbreviation “GPR” in s.

  • General purpose revenues appropriated under s.20.115 (7) (c), Stats.

  • For budgetary control purposes, revenues are further classified as either “general purpose” or “restricted.” General purpose revenues are available to fund any activity accounted for in the fund.

  • In the government-wide financial statements, revenues are reported by source and are further classified as either “general purpose” or “restricted.” General purpose revenues are available to fund any activity accounted for in the fund.

  • Other medical services mutually agreed upon.WORKERS’ COMPENSATION SERVICESNumber of Workers’ Compensation Claims Received and Open at Year End:FiscalYearReceivedOpenFY20547956FY21624931FY22804938First Aid Claims:Fiscal YearClaimsFY2020FY2130FY2216In response to the RFP, the City anticipates receiving competitive pricing as well as an assurance of quality services.

  • Functional ExpensesGovernmental Activities: Coaching and Consulting25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - $ -Auditing Services1,900 - 1,900 - -General Administration245 - 245 - -Depreciation of Capital Assets (Unallocated)- - - - -Total School$ 27,145 $ - $ 27,145 $ - - General purpose revenues: Local Support1,000Total general purpose revenues1,000Excess of revenues over expenses1,000Net position, July 1, 2020-Net position, June 30, 2021$ 1,000 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement.

  • General purpose revenues consist of general taxes and miscellaneous receipts which are paid into the General Fund, lose their identity, and are then available for appropriation by the Legislature.

  • Referrals are made to the Harrisburg Medical Center and the Women's Center.

Related to General purpose revenues

  • Pledged Revenues means all of the Series Pledged Revenues.

  • Net Revenues means the difference between:

  • Consolidated Revenue means for any period the total revenues of the Company and its Subsidiaries, determined in accordance with GAAP.

  • Gross Revenues means all amounts actually collected as rents or other charges for the use and occupancy of the Properties, but shall exclude interest and other investment income of Owner and proceeds received by Owner for a sale, exchange, condemnation, eminent domain taking, casualty or other disposition of assets of Owner.

  • Net Operating Income With respect to any Mortgaged Property, for any Mortgagor’s fiscal year end, Net Operating Income will be calculated in accordance with the standard definition of “Net Operating Income” approved from time to time endorsed and put forth by CREFC®.