general waste definition
general waste means waste that does not pose an immediate hazard or threat to health or to the environment, and includes-
general waste means waste other than regulated waste.
general waste means waste that does not pose an immediate hazard or threat to health or to the environment, and includes domestic waste; business waste; building waste; inert waste and compostable and non-compostable garden waste;
Examples of general waste in a sentence
The Discharger is enrolled under, and required to comply with, the State Water Board’s Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems, Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ (Statewide General Order) because it is a state agency that owns or operates a sanitary sewer collection system greater than one mile in length.
More Definitions of general waste
general waste means a generic term for waste (excluding garden waste and builder’s rubble) that, because of its composition and characteristics, does not pose a significant risk to public health or the environment if managed properly, and typically consists of plastics, paper, food and liquids not considered to be infectious or contaminated with hazardous or toxic substance.
general waste means waste generated on or at any premises used -
general waste means waste other than industrial waste.
general waste means any rubbish, garbage, non-wooden material, packaging, containers, bottles, cans, rags, clothing, petroleum products, manure, human or animal excrement, sewage or the whole or part of an animal carcass.
general waste means waste other than regulated waste. For the purpose of this environmental authority, general waste does not include waste rock, overburden, and the contents of tailings dams.
general waste means waste which is not Bio-hazardous Waste, Confidential Waste, Recyclable Waste, other hazardous waste or Organic Waste;
general waste means waste that is defined as "general waste" in terms of Schedule 3 of the Waste Act, as amended from time to time;