Examples of Generating Resource in a sentence
After the date on which the CAISO has provided such notice, any changes to the items listed in Section 27.8.3 will be subject to the timing and process requirements in this Section 27.8.1 and 27.8.3. The Scheduling Coordinator may modify all other Multi-Stage Generating Resource registered characteristics pursuant to the timing and processing requirements specified elsewhere in this CAISO Tariff, as they may apply.
To the extent the Scheduling Coordinator does not submit the Transition Time that is a registered feasible transition the CAISO will use the registered maximum Transition Time for that MSG Transition for the specific Multi-Stage Generating Resource.
If the Scheduling Coordinator submits a Bid for the Multi-Stage Generating Resource, the CAISO will create this Generated Bid for the registered MSG Configurations before the Market Close, and if it does not submit such a Bid the CAISO will create this Generated Bid after the Market Close.
The Effective Flexible Capacity value for a Multi- Stage Generating Resource will be calculated using the longest Start-Up Time of the resource’s configuration that has the lowest PMin.
Failure to provide such information may be grounds for revocation of Multi-Stage Generating Resource status.
For any given Multi-Stage Generating Resource, for any given CAISO Market and Trading Hour if one MSG Configuration’s Bid fails the bid validation process, all other Bids for all other MSG Configurations are also invalidated.
The resource will be successfully registered and qualified as a Multi-Stage Generating Resource, or the requested changes in the attributes listed in Section 27.8.3 will be successfully registered and qualified as of the date on which the CAISO sends the responsible Scheduling Coordinator a notice that the resource has been successfully qualified as such.
Scheduling Coordinators submitting these Bid components for a Multi-Stage Generating Resource must do so for the submitted MSG Configuration.
After the market closes, to the extent that no Bid is submitted into the Real-Time Market for a Multi-Stage Generating Resource scheduled in the Integrated Forward Market as required in Section 30.5 the CAISO will create a Self-Schedule for MSG Configuration equal to the Day-Ahead Schedule for that resource for the MSG Configuration scheduled in the IFM.
In the event that the Scheduling Coordinator does not submit a Bid in compliance with section 30.5.1(p), the CAISO will create a Generated Bid for all of the capacity not bid into the CAISO Market between the maximum bid-in Energy MW and the higher of Self-Scheduled Energy MW and the Multi-Stage Generating Resource plant-level PMin.