Examples of Geotechnical boring in a sentence
Geotechnical boring conducted by Applicant at the plant site was monitored by a qualified archaeologist to assess the possibility of encountering submerged/buried cultural resources under the fill on the site.
Geotechnical boring at each site requires the use of one drill rig with mounted mechanical augur, two support vehicles, and approximately 4 personnel.
Geotechnical boring information for abutment design will be collected and assessed under Task 2, prior to 50% design completion.Deliverables• Preliminary bridge plan, span, and elevations.
Geotechnical boring was conducted during preconstruction within the APE.
Geotechnical boring consists of drilling test cores; collecting disturbed and undisturbed soil samples; recovering core specimens; logging existing rock exposures; and performing test pit excavations to identify existing subsurface conductions.
Geotechnical boring locations shown in plan view.2. Landscaping plan required for bioretention facilities.3. Show and label pretreatment.4. Minimum top width of berm 3 feet.
Geotechnical boring and report for a chemical storage facility outside of the elevated tank pedestal.
Executive will refrain from any acts or omissions that would reduce the value of such knowledge or information to the Company.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, accessed on November 20, 2017, https:// www.epa.gov/wetlands/why-are-wetlands-important.
Geotechnical boring investigation will also be reimbursed by MDMF.