Interface Point definition

Interface Point means a point at which a User’s electrical system is connected to the Licensee’s Distribution System.
Interface Point means the AC interface of an isolated AC network at which technical specifications affecting the performance of the relevant equipment can be prescribed as specified by the RSO and as identified in the connection agreement;
Interface Point means the point of access to the coaxial distribution tap;

Examples of Interface Point in a sentence

  • Segment Protector Interface Point to Point Z Series Zener barriers Surge Arrestors K System Intrinsic Safety Isolators Wide range of applications.

More Definitions of Interface Point

Interface Point means a point of an AC network not being part of a synchronous area at which technical specifications affecting the performance of the relevant equipment can be prescribed as specified by the relevant TSO;
Interface Point means the interface point referred to in the Contract Document where the transmission passes from the Customer to NEP Connect;
Interface Point means a point of connection that enables the Melbourne retail authorities or a primary entitlement holder to take water from the Melbourne supply system;
Interface Point means, at the NGW Station, the point where the Customer Equipment meets the Common Equipment, and being at such location as is specified by National Grid Wireless on the relevant Station Schedule from time to time;
Interface Point means where the Aerodrome Operators responsibility ends and Airservices responsibility commences. Manual of Standards (MOS) – means Manual of Standards Part 171 — Aeronautical Telecommunication and Radio Navigation Services as amended made under subsection 9 (1) of the Civil Aviation Xxx 0000 and regulation 171.017 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998. It comprises specifications (Standards) prescribed by CASA of uniform application determined to be necessary for the safety of air navigation. Method of Working Plan (MOWP) means a formal operational document that details work procedures relating to proposed work, including but not limited to construction and maintenance work on an aerodrome. Mobile Plant Operation means operation of powered mobile plant (machinery and equipment) such as but not limited to cranes, forklifts, excavators, backhoes and bulldozers. Part 139 of CASR prescribes the requirements for aerodromes used in air transport operations. Part 171 of CASR 1998 prescribes the regulatory requirements and standards for the approval of organisations that provide, operate, and maintain aeronautical telecommunications used for air traffic services, and radio-navigation services used for air navigation. Permit to Work means the formal permit document that outlines what work needs to be completed and dates of required completion. Proposed Works means the works that are put forward for consideration, discussion approval or adoption. Site Manifest means a document maintained by Airservices which must be read by any person attending a specific site and outlines anything specific to the site that must be known by any person attending an Aerodrome. Standby Power Facility means Emergency Backup Power.
Interface Point means the agreed point or points described in Part A of the Connection Agreement Data Book at which the Customer's Facilities is connected to the Dedicated Assets.
Interface Point means: ȏراʨʢلا تﻻاح يف ,Ȟʴʱلا ماʺص يʻعت "لʻصʦʯﻟا ةaقن" .راقعلا يف لʽʺعلا داcﻋ لʰق دʨجʨʺلاو ʧﻋ جراخ فʛʣ وأ ثcح ȑأ يʻعǽ "ةuهﺎقﻟا ةʦقﻟا ثادحأ" ﻻ لاʲʺلا لʽʰس ﻰﻠﻋ ،ʥلذ ʧʺàʱȄو ʧʽفʛʢلا ʧم ȑأ ةʛʢʽس ãﻋاʨaلاو لزﻻʜلاو ةʽعʽʰʢلا ثراʨؔلاو تاناàʽفلا ،ʛaʴلا .ةʽلاʺعلا تاǼʛا ضﻹاو ãئʛا ʴلاو مʨقت ȑìلا يعʽʰʢلا زاغلا ليcب وأ يعʽʰʢلا زاغلا يʻعǽ "زﺎﻐﻟا" .ʖʽبانﻷا &ʨʢخ لﻼخ راقعﻠل هﻠʽصʨʱب ةؗʛʷلا ʥلذ يف اʺǼ) ةʜهجﻷاو تʜا ʽهʳʱلا عʽʺج يʻعت "زﺎﻐﻟا ةʚهجأ" ,ʽȞʴت ʗʴت ةʜهجأ وأ راقعلا لخاد (لʽصʨʱلا &اقنو داcعلا .زاغلا cȄرʨʱب ةقﻠعʱʺلاو لʽʺعلا اهمcقت يʱلا زاغﻠل ةمﻼس ةداهش يʻعت "زﺎﻐلﻟ ةمﻼvﻟا ةدﺎهش" عʽʺج ءافʽʱسا ﻰﻠﻋ لʽلcؗ Ȑʛخأ ةʽʻعم ةهج ȑأ وأ ةؗʛʷلا وأ هǼ لʨʺعʺلا نʨناقﻠل اقًفو Ȑʛخﻷا &وʛʷلاو ةمﻼ~لا &وʛش .ةؗʛʷلا ãȄʛʡ ʧﻋ هʽﻠﻋ صʨaʻم ʨه اʺك :يʻعت "Ȋȁuﻟا ةaقن"