GHG Emission Reductions definition

GHG Emission Reductions means a reduction in GHG Emissions.
GHG Emission Reductions mean reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions however measured and includes, for greater certainty, any reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions attributable to the purchase and resale by the BLPC of Energy generated from the Facility as an alternative to generating Energy by other means, which would result in higher levels of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
GHG Emission Reductions. ’ means a reduction in GHG Emissions.

Examples of GHG Emission Reductions in a sentence

  • Verification of GHG Emission Reductions and GHG Removal Enhancements from Offset Projects 178§ 147.277.1. Requirements for Offset Verification Services 180§ 147.277.2 Additional Project Specific Requirements for Offset Verification Services 196§ 147.278.

  • Project details not disclosed to the Department that are later discovered or disclosed, and which are determined to be inconsistent with the requirements of the AHSC Program, will result in disencumbrance of the awarded funds and negative points, if applicable.Estimated GHG Emission Reductions – 30 Points Maximum‌Applications will be scored on the GHG emission reductions of proposed project components, for a total of 30 points.

  • Materialisation of GHG Emission Reductions and Contribution to SDGs through Implementation of the JCMIGES contributed to implementation of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) which appropriately evaluates contributions to GHG emission reductions or removals by Japan, and applies them toward achievement of Japan’s emission reduction target.

  • Table 1: IEE Program Elements Align with EPA Pathway RequirementsPathway for Including GHG Emission Reductions from Industrial Energy Efficiency in 111(d) Compliance Activities Overview As it works to finalize the rule, EPA should define approvable pathways for the inclusion of EE produced from IEE.

  • Partnership with SuppliersToshiba Group companies build supportive, transparent and collaborative relationships with suppliers, and work with them to fulfil corporate social responsibilities and engage in sustainable procurement, on a basis of mutual understanding and trust.

  • To achieve this, GGGI works with partner countries to design and deliver programs that demonstrate practical pathways to achieve green growth through a set of 6 Strategic Outcomes: 1) GHG Emission Reductions, 2) Creation of Green Jobs, 3) Increased Access to Sustainable Services, 4) Improved Air Quality, 5) Adequate Supply of Ecosystem Services Ensured, and 6) Enhanced adaptation to climate change.

  • In order to calculate the volume of the GHG Emission Reductions of the respective project, you compare the emissions generated in thewith-project scenario with a baseline scenario-, that describes the most credible scenario without the implementation of the project.

  • In accordance with Section 5.1.1, SCS carried out an ex-post independent assessment of the GHG Emission Reductions or Removals that have occurred as a result of the project during the monitoring period, conducted in accordance with the VCS rules.

  • GHG Emission Reductions and Removals for the Current Monitoring Period The total emissions reduced by the Purus Project over the course of the 2015 monitoring period is 90,922 tCO2e.

  • Direct GHG Emission Reductions for the Oregon Pulp and Paper IndustryMass Reduction of 58% Closed Mills Continually Operating Mills1,800,000Direct GHG Emissions (mt CO2eq)1,600,0001,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,000-2005 2008 2010 2012 2014 3 Looking closer at the production decreases in Oregon mills; Figure 2 explains there was a decrease of 978,000 short tons of production for closed mills and a 496,000 short ton reduction from continuously operating mills.

Related to GHG Emission Reductions

  • Emission Reduction Credits means emission reductions that have been authorized by a local air pollution control district pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Division 26 Air Resources, Sections 40709 and 40709.5, whereby such district has established a system by which all reductions in the emission of air contaminants that are to be used to offset certain future increases in the emission of air contaminants shall be banked prior to use to offset future increases in emissions.

  • Waste reduction , or “pollution prevention” means the practice of minimizing the generation of waste at the source and, when wastes cannot be prevented, utilizing environmentally sound on-site or off-site reuse and recycling. The term includes equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, product reformulation or redesign, and raw material substitutions. Waste treatment, control, management, and disposal are not considered pollution prevention, per the definitions under Part 143, Waste Minimization, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA), 1994 PA 451, as amended.

  • Emission Rate for a given pollutant means the number of pounds of that pollutant emitted per million British thermal units of heat input (lb/mmBTU), measured in accordance with this Consent Decree.

  • Job Classification means an arrangement of tasks in an establishment or industry into a limited series of jobs or occupations, rated in terms of skill, responsibility, experience, training, and similar considerations, usually for wage setting purposes. This term, or job class, refers to a single cluster of jobs of approximately equal “worth.”

  • emission allowance means a financial instrument as defined in point (11) of Section C of Annex I of Directive [new MiFID].

  • Start-Up Testing means the completion of applicable required factory and start-up tests as set forth in Exhibit C.

  • Wasteload allocation or "wasteload" or "WLA" means the portion of a receiving surface water's loading or assimilative capacity allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs are a type of water quality-based effluent limitation.

  • EPP test Means one EPP command sent to a particular “IP address” for one of the EPP servers. Query and transform commands, with the exception of “create”, shall be about existing objects in the Registry System. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. The possible results to an EPP test are: a number in milliseconds corresponding to the “EPP command RTT” or undefined/unanswered.

  • Debt Service Reduction With respect to any Mortgage Loan, a reduction in the scheduled Monthly Payment for such Mortgage Loan by a court of competent jurisdiction in a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code, except such a reduction resulting from a Deficient Valuation.

  • extended reduction (qualifying contributory benefits means a reduction under this scheme for which a person is eligible in accordance with paragraph 88 or 95;

  • Required Allocations means (a) any limitation imposed on any allocation of Net Losses or Net Termination Losses under Section 6.1(b) or 6.1(c)(ii) and (b) any allocation of an item of income, gain, loss or deduction pursuant to Section 6.1(d)(i), 6.1(d)(ii), 6.1(d)(iv), 6.1(d)(vii) or 6.1(d)(ix).

  • Source reduction means any practice that reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment prior to recycling, energy recovery, treatment, or disposal.

  • Class C Coverage Tests means the Class C Interest Coverage Test and the Class C Par Value Test.

  • extended reduction period means the period for which a person is in receipt of an extended reduction in accordance with paragraph 89, 96 or 101;

  • Reduced leave schedule means a leave schedule that reduces the usual number of hours per workweek, or hours per workday, of an employee.

  • Net Benefits Test means a calculation to determine whether the benefits of a reduction in price resulting from the dispatch of Economic Load Response exceeds the cost to other loads resulting from the billing unit effects of the load reduction, as specified in Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 3.3A.4 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 3.3A.4.

  • emission factor means the average emission rate of a greenhouse gas relative to the activity data of a source stream assuming complete oxidation for combustion and complete conversion for all other chemical reactions;

  • Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:

  • Lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) means for any source, that rate of emissions which reflects the most stringent emission limitation which is contained in the implementation plan of any State for such class or category of source, unless the owner or operator of the proposed source demonstrates that such limitations are not achievable, or the most stringent emission limitation which is achieved in practice by such class or category of source, whichever is more stringent. In no event shall the application of this term permit a proposed new or modified source to emit any pollutant in excess of the amount allowable under applicable New Source Standards of Performance.

  • extended reduction means a reduction under this scheme for which a person is eligible under Part 12 (extended reductions);

  • Load Reduction Event means a reduction in demand by a Member or Special Member for the purpose of participating in the PJM Interchange Energy Market.

  • Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement means the sum of Base Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement and Additional Day-ahead Scheduling Reserves Requirement.

  • Excess emissions - means an emission rate that exceeds any applicable emission limitation or standard allowed by any rule in Sections .0500, .0900, .1200, or .1400 of Subchapter 02D; or by a permit condition; or that exceeds an emission limit established in a permit issued under 15A NCAC 02Q .0700. (Note: Definitions of excess emissions under 02D .1110 and 02D .1111 shall apply where defined by rule.)

  • Waste load allocation means (i) the water quality-based annual mass load of total nitrogen or

  • alternative maximum council tax reduction means the amount determined in accordance with paragraph 31 and Schedule 4;

  • Class A/B Coverage Tests means the Class A/B Interest Coverage Test and the Class A/B Par Value Test.