Examples of GHG Emission Reductions in a sentence
Verification of GHG Emission Reductions and GHG Removal Enhancements from Offset Projects 178§ 147.277.1. Requirements for Offset Verification Services 180§ 147.277.2 Additional Project Specific Requirements for Offset Verification Services 196§ 147.278.
Project details not disclosed to the Department that are later discovered or disclosed, and which are determined to be inconsistent with the requirements of the AHSC Program, will result in disencumbrance of the awarded funds and negative points, if applicable.Estimated GHG Emission Reductions – 30 Points MaximumApplications will be scored on the GHG emission reductions of proposed project components, for a total of 30 points.
Materialisation of GHG Emission Reductions and Contribution to SDGs through Implementation of the JCMIGES contributed to implementation of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) which appropriately evaluates contributions to GHG emission reductions or removals by Japan, and applies them toward achievement of Japan’s emission reduction target.
Table 1: IEE Program Elements Align with EPA Pathway RequirementsPathway for Including GHG Emission Reductions from Industrial Energy Efficiency in 111(d) Compliance Activities Overview As it works to finalize the rule, EPA should define approvable pathways for the inclusion of EE produced from IEE.
Partnership with SuppliersToshiba Group companies build supportive, transparent and collaborative relationships with suppliers, and work with them to fulfil corporate social responsibilities and engage in sustainable procurement, on a basis of mutual understanding and trust.
To achieve this, GGGI works with partner countries to design and deliver programs that demonstrate practical pathways to achieve green growth through a set of 6 Strategic Outcomes: 1) GHG Emission Reductions, 2) Creation of Green Jobs, 3) Increased Access to Sustainable Services, 4) Improved Air Quality, 5) Adequate Supply of Ecosystem Services Ensured, and 6) Enhanced adaptation to climate change.
In order to calculate the volume of the GHG Emission Reductions of the respective project, you compare the emissions generated in thewith-project scenario with a baseline scenario-, that describes the most credible scenario without the implementation of the project.
In accordance with Section 5.1.1, SCS carried out an ex-post independent assessment of the GHG Emission Reductions or Removals that have occurred as a result of the project during the monitoring period, conducted in accordance with the VCS rules.
GHG Emission Reductions and Removals for the Current Monitoring Period The total emissions reduced by the Purus Project over the course of the 2015 monitoring period is 90,922 tCO2e.
Direct GHG Emission Reductions for the Oregon Pulp and Paper IndustryMass Reduction of 58% Closed Mills Continually Operating Mills1,800,000Direct GHG Emissions (mt CO2eq)1,600,0001,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,000-2005 2008 2010 2012 2014 3 Looking closer at the production decreases in Oregon mills; Figure 2 explains there was a decrease of 978,000 short tons of production for closed mills and a 496,000 short ton reduction from continuously operating mills.