Governance Code definition

Governance Code means the then current version of the UK Corporate Governance Code published by the UK Financial Reporting Council or any successor body;
Governance Code means the SEC Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of
Governance Code means the Governance Code for Public Appointments published under article 3 by the Minister for the Cabinet Office;

Examples of Governance Code in a sentence

  • Niet ongebruikelijk is bovendien dat commissies xxxxxx gevormd uit de leden van xx xxxx van commissarissen.29 De Nederlandse Corporate Governance Code huldigt het principe dat xx xxxx uit zijn midden een auditcommissie, een remuneratiecommissie en een selectie- en benoemingscom- xxxxxx instelt.30 Een taakverdeling kan ook tot stand komen zonder uitdrukkelijke grondslag in de statuten.

  • The Board of Directors made the decision not to adopt this recommendation on January 25, 2016, when the Good Governance Code recommendations were examined.

  • This is also documented as best practises in the Corporate Governance Code of many EU countries.

  • We are not required to comply with the UK Corporate Governance Code.

  • Any departure from the Corporate Governance Code must be explained in the Governance Statement.

  • This German Corporate Governance Code (the "Code") presents essential statutory regulations for the management and supervision (governance) of German listed companies and contains internationally and nationally recognized standards for good and responsible governance.

  • These corporate governance principles have been incorporated in the Corporate Governance Code (based on the SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises) Corporate Governance Code, January 2011), which is posted on the Company’s website

  • The Trustees have given appointed investment managers full discretion in evaluating ESG factors, including climate change considerations, and exercising voting rights and stewardship obligations attached to the investments, in accordance with their own corporate governance policies and current best practice, including the UK Corporate Governance Code and UK Stewardship Code.

  • Except for a minor deviation in relation to provisions 7.17 and 7.18, the Company is fully compliant with the provisions of the Belgian Corporate Governance Code 2009.

  • Our examination was limited to procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the condition of corporate Governance Code.

More Definitions of Governance Code

Governance Code. : means the Code of Corporate Governance 2012;
Governance Code means the Governance Code for Public Appointments as published from time to time under article 3 by the Minister for the Cabinet Office;
Governance Code means the SEC Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of2016, known as the “Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly-Listed Companies”;
Governance Code means the SEC Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 2016, known as the “Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly‐Listed Companies”;
Governance Code means the UK Corporate Governance Code, setting out the principles of good governance and code of best practice published and maintained by the FRC;
Governance Code means the Code of Good Governance for English Colleges (CGGEC)

Related to Governance Code

  • Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee means the nominating and corporate governance committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.

  • Governance Term Sheet means the Governance Term Sheet attached as Exhibit F to the Restructuring Support Agreement.

  • New Corporate Governance Documents means the form of certificate or articles of incorporation, bylaws, limited liability company agreement, partnership agreement, or such other applicable formation documents (if any) of Reorganized Ascena, including any certificates of designation, each of which shall be included in the Plan Supplement.

  • Compliance Committee means the committee referenced under the Federated Hermes Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, consisting of, among others, the Chief Compliance Officer, the Deputy General Counsel, the Chief Audit Executive and the Chief Risk Officer.

  • Nominating Committee means the nominating committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.

  • Audit Committee means the audit committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.

  • SEBI Listing Regulations means SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended

  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee means a Committee of Board of Directors of the Company, constituted in accordance with the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Agreement.