Examples of Code of Good Governance in a sentence
The original Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges was published in December 2014.
The Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges has been developed and is owned by the college sector.
This Code of Good Governance codifies the principles of good governance for learners and learning that already exist in our colleges and promotes accountability and continuous improvement in how colleges and regional strategic bodies are governed.
This condition is also contained in the Code of Good Governance and in the Internal Board of Directors Regulation.NO.
The Appointments and Remuneration Committee will draft an Annual Report on the Operation of the Committee, which will allow shareholders and other interested parties to understand the activities carried out by the Committee during the financial year and which will be published on the Company website sufficiently in advance of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with the terms of Recommendation 6 of the Code of Good Governance of Listed Companies.
The remuneration of the directors, in their capacity as such, is aligned with Recommendation 57 of the Code of Good Governance, so they do not receive variable remuneration, nor any long-term remuneration under pension plans, retirement schemes or other social benefit schemes, nor do they participate in remuneration plans linked to the price of the Company’s share, even though this form of remuneration is provided for in the Company’s Bylaws.
Approve the amendment to certain articles of the Bylaws for the purposes of, among other issues, adapt them to the modifications introduced by Law 5/2021, of April 12, which modifies the revised text of the Spanish Companies Act, approved by Royal Decree 1/2010, of July 2, and other financial regulations, regarding the promotion of long-term involvement of shareholders in listed companies, as well as to the Recommendation 61 of the Code of Good Governance of Listed Companies (CBG).
The Code of Good Governance complies with high international standards and embodies the philosophy and norms that govern the management of relations between the Administration, the Board of Directors, shareholders, investors, and other groups of interest, in the development of the Company.
In particular, principle 3 of the 2010 Code of Good Governance for the Sector recommends that that trustee boards should be sufficiently diverse in a number of aspects, such as age, gender, faith, qualifications and ethnicity, in order to improve board effectiveness (Charity Commission, 2010), and thus TBD can be viewed as a positive development.
Senior Management is responsible for the ordinary course of business, which is incorporated in the Code of Good Governance, section 4.2.2, which identifies the responsibilities of the Bank President and Vice Presidents.NO.