Examples of Government Application in a sentence
We have also reviewed SIAP conformance with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS) and Local Government Application Note (LGAN).
Sample Government Application for Permission to Disclose Grand Jury Records for Restitution Purposes 169.
The plan must consider the organisation’s strategies, objectives and risks relevant to the engagement.The CIPFA Local Government Application note states that for each engagement, a brief should be prepared, discussed and agreed with relevant managers.
The Standards require the Head of the Southern Internal Audit Partnership to develop and maintain a QAIP to enable the internal audit service to be assessed against the Standards and the Local Government Application Note (LGAN) for conformance.The QAIP must include both internal and external assessments: internal assessments are both on-going and periodical and external assessment must be undertaken at least once every five years.
The Combined Authority has reviewed its systems of internal control, including the internal audit function and concluded that it complies with the requirements of PSIAS and the Local Government Application Note.
Recipient hereby asserts, certifies and reaffirms that all representations and other information contained in Recipient’s Kane County Unit of Government Application for Coronavirus Relief Funds (see Section V.J.(1)),, subsequent requests for reimbursement or any agreed-upon budget modifications are true, correct and complete, to the best of Recipient’s knowledge.
The purpose of the QAIP is to ensure that the Internal Audit service operates in accordance with PSIAS and the Local Government Application Note (LGAN) and maintains consistently high standards.
Internal Audit will undertake their work in accordance as far as is practicable with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards and the Local Government Application Note for the United Kingdom Public Sector Internal Audit Standards.
The Standards require the Head of the Southern Internal Audit Partnership to develop and maintain a Quality Assurance and Improvement Programme (QAIP) to enable the internal audit service to be assessed against the Standards and the Local Government Application Note (LGAN) for conformance.The QAIP must include provision for both internal and external assessments: internal assessments are both on-going and periodical and external assessment must be undertaken at least once every five years.
CIPFA developed a Local Government Application Note (LGAN) as the sector specific requirements for compliance with the Standards within Local Authorities and other relevant public sector bodies, including Combined Authorities.