Government of Iran definition

Government of Iran means the government of Iran, its instrumentalities, and companies owned or controlled by the government of Iran.
Government of Iran means the government of Iran, its
Government of Iran means the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran or its instrumentalities or political subdivisions and companies owned or controlled by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Examples of Government of Iran in a sentence

  • More than 10% of the Company's revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve oil-related activities or mineral-extraction activities; less than 75% of the Company's revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve contracts with or provision of oil-related or mineral-extraction products or services to the Government of Iran or a project or consortium created exclusively by that government; and the Company has failed to take substantial action.

  • More than 10% of the Company's revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve oil-related activities or mineral- extraction activities; less than 75% of the Company's revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve contracts with or provision of oil-related or mineral-extraction products or services to the Government of Iran or a project or consortium created exclusively by that government; and the Company has failed to take substantial action.

  • Persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran.

  • The provision of insurance and re-insurance to the Government of Iran, or to entities incorporated in Iran or subject to Iran's jurisdiction, or to any individuals or entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, or to entities owned or controlled by them, including through illicit means, shall be prohibited.

  • More than 10% of the Company's revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve oil-related activities or mineral-extraction activities; less than 75% of the Company's revenues produced in or assets located in Iran involve contracts with or provision of oil- related or mineral-extraction products or services to the Government of Iran or a project or consortium created exclusively by that government; and the Company has failed to take substantial action.

  • In specific countries with tougher business environment, we also face uncertainties, which are cases of unknown probabilities.

  • The measures taken pursuant to this order are in response to actions of the Government of Iran occurring after the conclusion of the 1981 Algiers Accords, and are intended solely as a response to those later actions.

  • Article 4c The direct or indirect sale, purchase, transportation or brokering of gold and precious metals, as well as of diamonds, to, from or for the Government of Iran, its public bodies, corporations and agencies, the Central Bank of Iran, as well as to, from or for persons and entities acting on their behalf or at their direction, or entities owned or controlled by them shall be prohibited.

  • Moreover, the sale or purchase of, or brokering or assistance in the issuance of public or public-guaranteed bonds to and from the Government of Iran, the Central Bank of Iran or Iranian banks, including branches and subsidiaries, and financial entities controlled by persons and entities domiciled in Iran should be prohibited.

  • Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Senior Officials of the Government of Iran.

More Definitions of Government of Iran

Government of Iran means the government of Iran or its instrumentalities or political subdivisions. “Government of Iran” also means an individual, company, or public agency located in Iran that provides material or financial support to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Government of Iran or "entity owned or controlled by the Government of Iran", in the Iranian Transactions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 560, as amended, (v) "Government of Angola or UNITA", "entity of the Government of Angola or UNITA" or "Angola or UNITA entity" in the UNITA (Angola) Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 590, as amended, (vi) "Government of Sudan" in Executive Order 13067, as amended, and any regulations issued pursuant thereto, or (vii) "Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)", "Government of the Republic of Serbia", or "Government of the Republic of Montenegro" in Executive Order 13088, as amended, and any regulations issued pursuant thereto, all within the meaning of said Regulations or of any regulations, interpretations or rulings issued thereunder or (b) engage in any transaction that violates any provision of said Regulations, or that violates any provision of regulations promulgated from time to time by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of Treasury, or that violates any Executive Order issued pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), or the Trading With the Enemy Act (50 U.S.C. App. 1 et seq.), or (c) call at a Cuban port to load or discharge cargo or to effect repairs on any Rig if such transaction or violation listed in (a) - (c) could (i) expose the Mortgagee to any penalty, sanction or investigation or (ii) jeopardize the lien created by this Mortgage or (iii) have a material adverse effect on the Owner or the operation of the Rig;
Government of Iran means Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Government of Iran means the government of
Government of Iran means the government of Iran, its instrumentalities, and

Related to Government of Iran

  • Government of Sudan means the government in Khartoum, Sudan, which is led by the National Congress Party or any successor government formed on or after October 13, 2006, including the coalition National Unity Government agreed upon in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement for Sudan and does not include the regional government of southern Sudan.

  • Government data means any information, document, media, or machine readable material regardless of physical form or characteristics, that is created or obtained by the Government in the course of official Government business.

  • Government Order means any administrative decision or award, decree, injunction, judgment, order, quasi-judicial decision or award, ruling or writ of any arbitrator, mediator, tribunal, administrative agency or Government Authority.

  • Government agreement has the meaning given in the Government Agreements Xxx 0000 (WA);

  • Government Body means any domestic or foreign federal, state, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, or other body exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, police, regulatory or taxing authority or power of any nature.

  • Government school means a school established under section 5 of the Act, for the purpose of providing courses of instruction in pre-school, primary or secondary education.

  • Government List means any of (i) the two lists maintained by the United States Department of Commerce (Denied Persons and Entities), (ii) the list maintained by the United States Department of Treasury (Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons), and (iii) the two lists maintained by the United States Department of State (Terrorist Organizations and Debarred Parties).

  • Government Representative means any officer or employee of the state or a political

  • Government means the Government of Kenya;

  • Government of Canada Yield on any date means the yield to maturity on such date (assuming semi-annual compounding) of a Canadian dollar denominated non-callable Government of Canada bond with a term to maturity of five years as quoted as of 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on such date and which appears on the Bloomberg Screen GCAN5YR Page on such date; provided that, if such rate does not appear on the Bloomberg Screen GCAN5YR Page on such date, the Government of Canada Yield will mean the average of the yields determined by two registered Canadian investment dealers selected by the Corporation, as being the yield to maturity on such date (assuming semi-annual compounding) which a Canadian dollar denominated non-callable Government of Canada bond would carry if issued in Canadian dollars at 100% of its principal amount on such date with a term to maturity of five years.

  • government department means any department of the Government of the United Kingdom;

  • Government Lists means, collectively, (i) the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Lists maintained by OFAC, (ii) any other list of terrorists, terrorist organizations or narcotics traffickers maintained pursuant to any of the Rules and Regulations of OFAC, and (iii) any similar lists maintained by the United States Department of State, the United States Department of Commerce or any other governmental authority or pursuant to any Executive Order.

  • Government Property means all property owned or leased by the Government. Government property includes both Government-furnished and Contractor-acquired property. Government property includes material, equipment, special tooling, special test equipment, and real property. Government property does not include intellectual property and software.

  • Government company means any company in which not less than fifty-one per cent. of the paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government, or by any State Government or Governments, or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments, and includes a company which is a subsidiary company of such a Government company;

  • government procurement means the process by which a government obtains the use of or acquires goods or services, or any combination thereof, for governmental purposes and not with a view to commercial sale or resale, or use in the production or supply of goods or services for commercial sale or resale;

  • Government assistance means a grant, loan, or tax increment financing that result in a financial benefit from an agency, commission, instrumentality, or other entity of the District government.

  • Foreign government means any jurisdiction other than the one embraced within the United States, its territories, and its possessions.

  • Government Action means action by a Governmental Authority, Administrator, Certification Authority, or by the governing body of an Applicable Program to change the eligibility of a Product for an Applicable Program or substantially change the requirements for compliance by persons obligated to comply with the Applicable Program which in either case has a material adverse effect on the value of a Product that is the subject of a particular Transaction, and includes a change in Applicable Law that disqualifies any particular Renewable Energy Facilities (by Renewable Energy Sources, Initial Operating Date, or otherwise) or Product, that is the subject of a Transaction from an existing Applicable Program.

  • Government servant means any person appointed by Government to any civil service or post in connection with the affairs of the Union & includes a civilian in a Defence service;