Examples of Greater value in a sentence
Greater value can be realized by more closely joining the approach with person-centered care and point of delivery system enhancements such as the patient centered medical home, integrated primary and behavioral health care, all payer collaboratives, cross provider teams, transition management and alignment of incentives in payment reform.
Greater value should be attached to those services with a preventative capacity.
In modern faeces, the typical brownish colour is due to the presence of bilirubin, excreted in bile, though as discussed in section 3.1, the exact reason for colour varaiblity within and between species is unclear.
Greater value for money from a consistent – and potentially fairer– application of the principles.Less use of flexibility as subsidy awarders would be more inclined to follow guidance if it is available.
We need to ensure this presents the right option for both Councils to take forward, and if Councils agree, then making sure that the business case is robust when comparing to the Government’s tests against which they will assess proposals for change from local government, i.e. • Better local / public services;• Significant cost savings;• Greater value for money;• Stronger and more accountable local leadership; and• Sustainability in the medium to long term.
The Greater value of R2 indicates higher variance of the construct explained by the independent variable.
Greater value of interest rate inertia coefficient in the FA and HCC policy rules (up to 0.6 in the FA case and 0.7 in the HCC case) results in the welfare improvement in the BNK model.
Greater value is realized from an individual institution’s investment in acquisition and housing of rare, unique, and archival materials.
With regard to M&E utilization, the regulatory agencies in each country carried out various telecom market monitoring overviews (observatoires) under the project.
Greater value for money – As the key costs of poorly designed subsidies26 are considered – indirect from subsidies awarded.For subsidy awarding bodies – Increased administrative costs from complying with principle.There may also be an increased cost for using professional / legal services.