Examples of Green development in a sentence
It is useful to start by looking at the green economy definition adopted by the state: [...] Green development" or "green economy" concept is defined as an approach prioritizing investment and consumption of goods and services contributing to environmental improvements.
Table 4.3Estimated Current Populations Using Onsite Systems MunicipalityDwelling CountEstimate PopulationColwood3,8602.7 x 3,860 = 10,422Langford4,1092.6 x 4,109 = 10,683Saanich2,5242.6 x 2,524 = 6,562View Royal992.7 x 99 = 267Totals10,59227,934 The Dockside Green development in Victoria is served by its own wastewater treatment and disposal system.
The proposal meets the objectives of State Planning Policy 5.2 – Telecommunications Infrastructure.
Green development and sustainable development will produce new streams of revenue as well as jobs and better quality of life.
Green development components approved for Part 2 items cannot be approved for Part 1 points.
Green development: Environment and sustainability in a developing world.
Green development in China, exemplified in “Two Mountain Theory 1 ”, the most recent political discourse under Chinese President Xi Jinping, calls for coordinated development of environment and economy.
The colour coding is based on the following criteria; Green development was considered to be compliant with the relevant planning condition at the time of the site monitoring visit although some minor works may be required.
The most optimal approach, endorsed by Homes England, was for the Council to enter into Land Options Agreements (LOA) with each of the landowners within the redline that constitutes the Godley Green development proposition.
WSCC Highways did not consider a second access from the A259 via the Gosden Green development (now known as Parham Place) was necessary (as shown in the SPNP concept plan E).Therefore it was not included in the planning application.