Examples of Greenhouse Gas Reduction in a sentence
Projects that do not comply with an ordinance or regulation may be determined to be inconsistent with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy.
This information will be reviewed by the environmental planner during the environmental review process to determine if the project would comply with San Francisco’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy.
Funding for the AHSC Program is provided from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), an account established to receive Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds.
This project is consistent with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act’s statewide goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030.
This document presents a comprehensive assessment of policies, programs and ordinances that collectively represent San Francisco’s Qualified Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy.
Governor Brown Estalbished Most Ambitious Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target in North America.
The purpose of this rule is to create a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program for greenhouse gas emission reductions in the SCAQMD.
StanCOG participates in the California partnership for the San Joaquin Valley addressing economic development matters, such as San Joaquin Rail Service and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funding.
StanCOG participates in the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley (Partnership) addressing economic development matters, such as San Joaquin Rail Service and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funding.
Auction revenues from the Cap-and-Trade Program are deposited into the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), which the Legislature and Governor appropriate to a variety of programs such as the SALC and which operate under the umbrella of California Climate Investments.