Examples of Group G in a sentence
Group G is to be dosed once intravenously at the low dose of the test substance.(2) Dermal studies.
An employee who is a member of Group G and who has met the age and service requirements for a normal retirement may participate in the DROP Plan.
Benefits will be determined according to the Group G member benefits provisions of the Employees' Retirement System law.
Only those employees classified as Clinical Psychologist will be paid a market supplement of 7.8% above the rates of all eight (8) steps in Group G.
Any employee who voluntarily accepts the alternative placement incentive shall remain in Pension Group G throughout the remainder of his/her County service.
There are various options covered within this section for wiring in a Class II, Group G (dust) environment.
If labeled accordingly, USC products are designed to comply with CSA 22.1 for use in a Class II, Division 2, Group G environment.
When connecting to USC equipment from a remote location, and the USC equipment is in a hazardous Class II, Group G environment, customers are advised to follow the requirements within CSA 22.2 no.
Group G is to be dosed once intravenously at the low dose of the test substance.
G - 7Federal Grant Funds (0200) – District-wide byComptroller Source Group G - 8Federal Medicaid Payments (0250) – District-wide by Comptroller Source Group................................................