the Group definition
Examples of the Group in a sentence
In line with the continuous implementation of the development concept of “One Zhongtai in Union” of Zhongtai Securities, the awareness of comprehensive financial services of the Group has been gradually enhanced, combined with the further optimization of the remuneration for IB services between the Company and Zhongtai Securities, the business scale has continued to expand with increasing revenue.
The historical amounts of service fees paid to Alibaba Cloud and its subsidiaries and/or affiliates by the Group for the Technology Services under the 2022 Technology Services Framework Agreement for the 12 months ended December 31, 2023 and the 10 months ended October 31, 2024 amounted to approximately HK$4,445,300 and HK$5,804,700, respectively.
The purchase of the Technology Services shall be made through the Group’s Alibaba Cloud account or Cloud Resources Management Centre* (雲資源管理中心) account, and the specifications of the Technology Services shall be in accordance with the relevant orders placed by the Group on the official website of Alibaba Cloud ( or the Cloud Resources Management Centre.
The production and sale of coal is one of the principal activities of the Group, and the sales of coal produced by Inner Mongolia Jinyuanli amounted to approximately 70.3% and 97.7% of the Group’s total revenue for each of the two financial years ended 31 December 2014 and 2015.
Based on the above, the Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) consider that it is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole for the Group to lease the station platform and use the coal loading and unloading services offered by YYE in accordance with the terms and conditions of the New Agreement.