Examples of Guideline C-4 in a sentence
Guideline C4: Setting points are applied for the following:• One point for each staff person supervised.• One point for each five volunteers supervised.
Pathological wastes are included in the biomedical waste definition in Guideline C-4, Management of Biomedical Waste, which provides best management practices to generators, carriers and receivers of biomedical waste.
Dental practices must also handle biomedical wastes in accordance with Guideline C4, the Management of Biomedical Wastes in Ontario.
Pairwise shared keys between pairs of mobile nodes and hash values keyed with them are employed to authenti- cate routing messages and the validity of the paths discovered, which makes our protocol computationally efficient compared with prior proposals based on dig- ital signing mechanisms.
S e r i e s i n P r o f e s s i o n a l E t h i c sRecap on Propriety and Sexual BoundariesthIn the 19 edition of the Singapore Medical Council's Newsletter, the first article under the Series of Professional Ethics titled “Propriety and Sexual Boundaries”, was published to remind doctors of the need to pay heed to Guideline C4 of the 2016 Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines.
BIOMEDICAL WASTE — Biomedical waste as defined in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Guideline C-4 entitled “The Management of Biomedical Waste in Ontario” dated April 1994, as amended from time to time.
The proper handling, transport and disposal of hazardous wastes are governed by a variety of provincial and federal legislation and local by-laws These include: Ontario Environmental Protection Acto Air Pollution – General regulationo Waste Management – General regulationo Waste Management – PCB regulationo Guideline C-4.
This process is a requirement stipulated under the Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations as well as by the Ministry of the Environment’s Guideline C-4: The Management of Biomedical Waste in Ontario.
Guideline C.4: “Raise awareness of space activities” Raising awareness of space activities is very important for ESA.
The resulting development will better meet the applicable design guidelines; and Findings: The modification to decrease the width of the west landscape buffer, provide a 6 foot tall green screen structure and increase the amount of landscape screening to L3 standards better meets Design Guideline C4 by providing additional landscape screening between the two adjacent parking lots and improving the pedestrian realm along SE Stark Street by further concealing vehicles.