Hardware Components definition
Examples of Hardware Components in a sentence
Any other fittings or accessories under scope of work which may not have specifically mentioned in the Tender document or not covered in technical proposal of the firm/company, but which are necessary to meet the hardware/equipment functionality and the site requirements, for full functioning of the Hardware, Components like cables etc shall be provided by the bidder without paying extra charges by PSDF.
Any other fittings or accessories under scope of work which may not have specifically mentioned in the Tender document or not covered in technical proposal of the firm/company, but which are necessary to meet the hardware/equipment functionality and the site requirements, for full functioning of the Hardware, Components like power cables, PDUs etc shall be provided by the bidder without paying extra charges by PSDF.
The network maintenance & support (SLA) is for branded Hardware Components already installed at PSDF for the period of one 01-year extendable for other terms on mutual consent of both parties.
Integration of Hardware Components OM-6.3.3If the Automated Teller Machines (ATM) environment permits access to internal areas where account data is processed and/or stored (e.g., for service or maintenance), these areas must be effectively protected from access by unauthorised persons to mitigate the risk associated with attaching/inserting malicious additional components, especially those which may be designed to capture sensitive data.
Integration of Hardware Components OM-5.2.9If the Automated Teller Machines (ATM) environment permits access to internal areas where account data is processed and/or stored (e.g., for service or maintenance), these areas must be effectively protected from access by unauthorised persons to mitigate the risk associated with attaching/inserting malicious additional components, especially those which may be designed to capture sensitive data.
The Data Center (SLA) is for branded Hardware Components already installed at the Data Center of PSDF for the period of one 01-year extendable on yearly basis on already approved rates, if desired by the PSDF.
The Contract Sum shown in Paragraph 6.1 (Maximum Contract Sum) above includes all amounts necessary for the County to reimburse Contractor for all transportation and related insurance charges, if any, for all System Hardware Components and Documentation procured by the County from Contractor pursuant to this Contract.
Extended BIOS Host Computer Hardware Components ASUS CUSL2 Motherboard BIOS: Award Medallion v6.0Intel Pentium III (Coppermine) 933Mhz 512,672k MemoryAdaptec 29160N SCSI Adapter card Plextor CR-RW PX-W124TS Rev: 1.06Iomega 2GB Jaz drive Rev: E.17 LS-120 Super floppyTwo slots for removable IDE hard disk drives Two slots for removable SCSI hard disk drive Rumpole also had a 30GB OnStream SC30 tape drive (not used in the test procedures).
Assembling & Disassembling the System Hardware Components of the Personal Computer 1.
Further discussions need to be undertaken to establish the impact of this option.