Examples of Harvest level in a sentence
Harvest level projections increased by approximately 16% every 5 years for five decades.
Harvest level projections increase by an average of 17% every 5 years for 40 years.
The Board is required to hold a public hearing whenever it sets a Total Allowable Harvest or a Gwich’in Needs Level for any species or population of wildlife that has not been subject to a Total Allowable Harvest level within the previous two years.
Harvest level projections increased by an average of 11% every 5 years for five decades.
Harvest level increases result from the fact that young stands are growing much faster, providing for larger second-growth volumes which are merchantable sooner, making older forests eligible for harvest sooner.
Sandstorm Media Limited cannot guarantee to meet the demands of a date change and will only reimburse the hirer at their sole discretion.
Harvest level impacts of changing MHA in W13 Scenario Number MWFP recommended and implemented the MHA rules from scenario 63005 in the PFMS.
The risk analysis proceeds as illustrated in the flowchart in Figure primary inputs to the risk analysis for the complex at West Greenland are: • PFA forecast for the year of the fishery; PFANA and PFANEAC ;• Harvest level being considered (t of salmon);• Conservation spawning limits or alternate management objectives; and• The post-fishery returns to each region.
Harvest level projections will maximize volumes harvested over the entire analysis period (i.e., 250 years) subject to the following constraints: Gradually adjust harvest levels toward the best estimate of the long-term stable harvest level; and Achieve a stable long-term growing stock.
Harvest level endogenously computed by the OFR model for the REF, DW H, DW L scenarios.