Examples of HCBS Waiver in a sentence
For a complete list of HCBS Quality Oversight Unit contacts and a list of HCBS Specialists by region, please go to the DHS webpage HCBS Waiver Provider Contacts2.
The sample also included consumers who were eligible for the HCBS Waiver Program.
The HCBS Waiver affords California the flexibility to develop and implement creative, community alternatives to institutions.
Indicate if any of the following populations are excluded from participating in the waiver: Dual Eligibles Poverty Level Pregnant Women Individuals with other insurance Individuals residing in a nursing facility or ICF/MR Individuals enrolled in a managed care program Individuals participating in a HCBS Waiver program American Indians/Alaskan Natives Special Needs Children (State Defined).
The review also ensures that CCFs are meeting the HCBS Waiver definition of a homelike setting.
The regional center self assessment addresses the California Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) Waiver assurances criteria and is designed to provide information about the regional center’s processes and practices.
The review is based upon documentation criteria derived from federal/state statutes and regulations and from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services directives and guidelines relating to the provision of Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) Waiver services.
Tennessee’s HCBS Waiver for the Mentally Retarded and Developmentally Disabled under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act.
California’s HCBS Waiver services are available to regional center consumers who are Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) eligible and meet the level of-care requirements for an intermediate care facility serving individuals with developmental disabilities.
The HCBS Waiver compliance monitoring review has its own criteria and processes.